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If it is an option for you to have four flights instead of three, you could buy two round-trip tickets, A-B-A and B-C-B (which makes the whole trip A-B-C-B-A) ( A -> (B -> C -> B) -> A ). Pros: easy to find two round-trip tickets. Cons: splits the visit to B into two periods and adds one extra leg.

If it is an option for you to have four flights instead of three, you could buy two round-trip tickets, A-B-A and B-C-B (which makes the whole trip A-B-C-B-A). Pros: easy to find two round-trip tickets. Cons: splits the visit to B into two periods and adds one extra leg.

If it is an option for you to have four flights instead of three, you could buy two round-trip tickets, A-B-A and B-C-B (which makes the whole trip ( A -> (B -> C -> B) -> A ). Pros: easy to find two round-trip tickets. Cons: splits the visit to B into two periods and adds one extra leg.

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If it is an option for you to have four flights instead of three, you could buy two round-trip tickets, A-B-A and B-C-B (which makes the whole trip A-B-C-B-A). Pros: easy to find two round-trip tickets. Cons: splits the visit to B into two periods and adds one extra leg.