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Clarified that question refers to international shipments

Forgot item in a hotel in Spain; hotel says I have to send a courier myself because they don't handle international shipments

Title made it look like the hotel was refusing to give the item back

Forgot item in a hotel in Spain; hotel says they can't ship it backI have to mesend a courier myself because they don't handle shipments

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Forgot item in a hotel in Spain; hotel says they can't ship it back to me

I recently returned from a trip to Europe. (I live in the United States.) On my way back I had a layover in Madrid and I forgot a coat in the hotel room I stayed at. I contacted the hotel and they said that they have the coat, but that they can't ship it internationally. They told me in an email:

We don't handle international shipments as we can´t full fill [sic] customs paperwork. I suggest that you contact a courier company to pick up the forgotten item and let us know the pick up date in order to have it prepared.

Two ways I can see to resolve my issue:

  1. I send a courier as they suggested. What companies offer this kind of service, and how do I find it? I looked on UPS and DHL but didn't see anything obvious.
  2. I fill out a customs form for them and they use that to ship the item. Is this possible?

Are either of those two alternatives possible? Thanks in advance.