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You still see my last name next to my answer, no need to censor it :D
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It is standard policy by Aegean (and other companies) to append Mr or Mrs on the first name of each passenger, depending of the gender of the passenger. For example, all my tickets write CHARALAMPOSMR FAN**LISFANOULIS

It is standard policy by Aegean (and other companies) to append Mr or Mrs on the first name of each passenger, depending of the gender of the passenger. For example, all my tickets write CHARALAMPOSMR FAN**LIS

It is standard policy by Aegean (and other companies) to append Mr or Mrs on the first name of each passenger, depending of the gender of the passenger. For example, all my tickets write CHARALAMPOSMR FANOULIS

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It is standard policy by Aegean (and other companies) to append Mr or Mrs on the first name of each passenger, depending of the gender of the passenger. For example, all my tickets write CHARALAMPOSMR FAN**LIS