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the example was wrong (but still valid for my old flight)
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Nicola Sap
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In other questions on this site, it has been suggested to use FlightAware to check by how much a flight was delayed.

However, I've noticed that the scheduled arrival time from FlightAware (and therefore the computed delay) doesn't match with the time written on the ticket.

(example for a flight that is scheduled for later today:

  1. enter image description here

Ryanair: 23:40

  1. enter image description here

FlightAware: 23:30

I'm asking because FlightAware tells me that a delay I've recently experienced was of 3 hours and 19 minutes, but by looking at the Ryanair's reported scheduled arrival time, the flight has only been 2 hours and 59 minutes late. If the former is to be believed, I'd get EU261 compensation!

In other questions on this site, it has been suggested to use FlightAware to check by how much a flight was delayed.

However, I've noticed that the scheduled arrival time from FlightAware (and therefore the computed delay) doesn't match with the time written on the ticket.

(example for a flight that is scheduled for later today:

  1. enter image description here

Ryanair: 23:40

  1. enter image description here

FlightAware: 23:30

I'm asking because FlightAware tells me that a delay I've recently experienced was of 3 hours and 19 minutes, but by looking at the Ryanair's reported scheduled arrival time, the flight has only been 2 hours and 59 minutes late. If the former is to be believed, I'd get EU261 compensation!

In other questions on this site, it has been suggested to use FlightAware to check by how much a flight was delayed.

However, I've noticed that the scheduled arrival time from FlightAware (and therefore the computed delay) doesn't match with the time written on the ticket.

(example for a flight that is scheduled for later today:

I'm asking because FlightAware tells me that a delay I've recently experienced was of 3 hours and 19 minutes, but by looking at the Ryanair's reported scheduled arrival time, the flight has only been 2 hours and 59 minutes late. If the former is to be believed, I'd get EU261 compensation!

in response to a comment received
Nicola Sap
  • 658
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  • 15

Scheduled arrival time on FlightAware doesn't match the one from the air carrier. Which one countsWhere should I check if I'm eligible for compensation before applying?

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Nicola Sap
  • 658
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Scheduled arrival time on FlightAware doesn't match the one from the air carrier. Which one counts for compensation?

In other questions on this site, it has been suggested to use FlightAware to check by how much a flight was delayed.

However, I've noticed that the scheduled arrival time from FlightAware (and therefore the computed delay) doesn't match with the time written on the ticket.

(example for a flight that is scheduled for later today:

  1. enter image description here

Ryanair: 23:40

  1. enter image description here

FlightAware: 23:30

I'm asking because FlightAware tells me that a delay I've recently experienced was of 3 hours and 19 minutes, but by looking at the Ryanair's reported scheduled arrival time, the flight has only been 2 hours and 59 minutes late. If the former is to be believed, I'd get EU261 compensation!