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Translation of Administration: Czech

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Prio Original string Translation
default GMT offset or timezone string Priority: high
Europe/Prague Details
Context default GMT offset or timezone string

default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid offset (-12 to 14) or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See for all timezone strings currently supported by PHP. Important: When a previous timezone string, like `Europe/Kiev`, has been superseded by an updated one, like `Europe/Kyiv`, as a rule of thumb, the **old** timezone name should be used in the “translation” to allow for the default timezone setting to be PHP cross-version compatible, as old timezone names will be recognized in new PHP versions, while new timezone names cannot be recognized in old PHP versions. To verify which timezone strings are available in the _oldest_ PHP version supported, you can use and replace the “BR” (Brazil) in the code line with the country code for which you want to look up the supported timezone names.


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Your site is running on an older version of PHP (%s) Web běží na starší verzi PHP (%s) Details
Your site is running on an older version of PHP (%s)

%s: The server PHP version.


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Your site is running the current version of PHP (%s) Web běží na aktuální verzi PHP (%s) Details
Your site is running the current version of PHP (%s)

%s: The current PHP version.


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Delete requests Smazat žádosti Details
Delete requests

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PHP Default Timezone Výchozí časové pásmo PHP Details
PHP Default Timezone

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PHP default timezone is invalid Výchozí časové pásmo PHP je neplatné Details
PHP default timezone is invalid

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PHP default timezone was configured by WordPress on loading. This is necessary for correct calculations of dates and times. Výchozí časové pásmo PHP bylo během načítání nastaveno WordPressem. Tento krok je nezbytný pro správný výpočet data a času. Details
PHP default timezone was configured by WordPress on loading. This is necessary for correct calculations of dates and times.

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PHP default timezone is valid Výchozí časové pásmo PHP je platné Details
PHP default timezone is valid

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PHP default timezone was changed after WordPress loading by a %s function call. This interferes with correct calculations of dates and times. Výchozí časové pásmo PHP bylo změněno po načtení WordPressu voláním funkce %s. Tato akce narušuje správný výpočet data a času. Details
PHP default timezone was changed after WordPress loading by a %s function call. This interferes with correct calculations of dates and times.

%s: date_default_timezone_set()


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The seventh parameter passed to %s should be numeric representing menu position. Sedmý parametr předaný %s by měl být celé číslo představující pozici menu. Details
The seventh parameter passed to %s should be numeric representing menu position.

%s: add_menu_page()
%s: add_submenu_page()


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The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires the %2$s PHP extension. Aktualizaci nelze nainstalovat, protože WordPress %1$s vyžaduje PHP modul %2$s. Details
The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires the %2$s PHP extension.

1: WordPress version number, 2: The PHP extension name needed.


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Should be improved Měl by být zlepšen Details
Should be improved

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Good Dobrý Details

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This page allows direct access to your site settings. You can break things here. Please be cautious! Tato stránka umožňuje přímý přístup k nastavení webu. Nesprávnými úpravami můžete znefunkčnit celý web. Buďte opatrní! Details
This page allows direct access to your site settings. You can break things here. Please be cautious!

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This page can show you every detail about the configuration of your WordPress website. For any improvements that could be made, see the <a href="%s">Site Health Status</a> page. Tato stránka vám může ukázat všechny podrobnosti o konfiguraci WordPress webu. Další vylepšení, která by mohla být provedena, naleznete na stránce <a href="%s">Stav webu</a>. Details
This page can show you every detail about the configuration of your WordPress website. For any improvements that could be made, see the <a href="%s">Site Health Status</a> page.

%s: URL to Site Health Status page.


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