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Translation of Administration: Czech

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start of week Priority: high
1 Details
Context start of week

Default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday.


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Only .zip archives may be uploaded. Nahrávat lze pouze .zip archivy. Details
Only .zip archives may be uploaded.

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The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or activate the <a href="%s">Classic Editor plugin</a>. Editor bloků vyžaduje JavaScript. Povolte JavaScript v nastavení prohlížeče nebo aktivujte <a href="%s">Classic Editor plugin</a>. Details
The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or activate the <a href="%s">Classic Editor plugin</a>.

%s: Link to activate the Classic Editor plugin.


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The block widgets require JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or activate the <a href="%s">Classic Widgets plugin</a>. Blokovací widgety vyžadují JavaScript. Povolte JavaScript v nastavení prohlížeče nebo aktivujte <a href="%s">Classic Widgets plugin </a>. Details
The block widgets require JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or activate the <a href="%s">Classic Widgets plugin</a>.

%s: Link to activate the Classic Widgets plugin.


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The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or install the <a href="%s">Classic Editor plugin</a>. Editor bloků vyžaduje JavaScript. Povolte JavaScript v nastavení prohlížeče nebo si nainstalujte <a href="%s">Classic Editorplugin</a>. Details
The block editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings, or install the <a href="%s">Classic Editor plugin</a>.

%s: Link to install the Classic Editor plugin.


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Rotate 90&deg; right Otočit o 90° vpravo Details
Rotate 90&deg; right

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Rotate 90&deg; left Otočit o 90° vlevo Details
Rotate 90&deg; left

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Rotate 180&deg; Otočení o 180 Details
Rotate 180&deg;

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When using Bulk Edit, you can change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just click the %s<span class="screen-reader-text">remove</span> button next to its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears. Při použití hromadných úprav můžete změnit metadata (rubriky, autora atd.) pro všechny vybrané příspěvky najednou. Chcete-li příspěvek ze seskupení odstranit, stačí kliknout na tlačítko %s<span class="screen-reader-text">odstranit</span> vedle jeho názvu v zobrazené oblasti Hromadné úpravy. Details
When using Bulk Edit, you can change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just click the %s<span class="screen-reader-text">remove</span> button next to its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears.

%s: The dismiss dashicon used for buttons that dismiss or remove.


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  • Singular:
    %s pattern moved to the Trash.
  • Plural:
    %s patterns moved to the Trash.
  • 1:
    %s vzor byl přesunut do koše.
  • 2, 3, 4:
    %s vzory byly přesunuty do koše.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    %s vzorů bylo přesunuto do koše.
Singular: %s pattern moved to the Trash.
Plural: %s patterns moved to the Trash.

%s: Number of patterns.


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  • Singular:
    %s pattern permanently deleted.
  • Plural:
    %s patterns permanently deleted.
  • 1:
    %s vzor trvale odstraněn.
  • 2, 3, 4:
    %s vzory trvale odstraněny.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    %s vzorů trvale odstraněno.
Singular: %s pattern permanently deleted.
Plural: %s patterns permanently deleted.

%s: Number of patterns.


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  • Singular:
    %s pattern updated.
  • Plural:
    %s patterns updated.
  • 1:
    %s vzor aktualizován.
  • 2, 3, 4:
    %s vzory aktualizovány.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    %s vzorů aktualizováno.
Singular: %s pattern updated.
Plural: %s patterns updated.

%s: Number of patterns.


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<a href="%1$s">Read the WordPress %2$s Release Notes</a> for information on installation, enhancements, fixed issues, release contributors, learning resources, and the list of file changes. <a href="%1$s">Přečtěte si poznámky k vydání WordPressu %2$s</a>, kde najdete informace o instalaci, vylepšeních, opravených problémech, přispěvatelích k vydání, výukových zdrojích a seznamu změn souborů. Details
<a href="%1$s">Read the WordPress %2$s Release Notes</a> for information on installation, enhancements, fixed issues, release contributors, learning resources, and the list of file changes.

1: WordPress Release Notes link, 2: WordPress version number.


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Invalid URL format. Nesprávný formát URL adresy. Details
Invalid URL format.

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Changes requested
With warnings
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