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Translation of Administration: Czech

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On systems with fewer resources, this may lead to server timeouts or resource limits being reached. If you encounter an issue during the update process, please create a support forum topic and reference <strong>Rollback</strong> in the issue title. V systémech s menším počtem prostředků to může vést k výpadkům serveru nebo k dosažení limitů prostředků. Pokud během procesu aktualizace narazíte na problém, vytvořte téma na fóru podpory a v názvu problému uveďte <strong>Rollback</strong>. Details
On systems with fewer resources, this may lead to server timeouts or resource limits being reached. If you encounter an issue during the update process, please create a support forum topic and reference <strong>Rollback</strong> in the issue title.

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Selected crop ratio exceeds the boundaries of the image. Try a different ratio. Vybraný poměr ořezu přesahuje hranice snímku. Vyzkoušejte jiný poměr. Details
Selected crop ratio exceeds the boundaries of the image. Try a different ratio.

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Updates may take several minutes to complete. If there is no feedback after 5 minutes, or if there are errors please refer to the Help section above. Dokončení aktualizací může trvat několik minut. Pokud se po 5 minutách neobjeví žádná zpětná vazba nebo pokud se objeví chyby, pod��vejte se do výše uvedené části Nápověda. Details
Updates may take several minutes to complete. If there is no feedback after 5 minutes, or if there are errors please refer to the Help section above.

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This feature will create a temporary backup of a plugin or theme before it is upgraded. This backup is used to restore the plugin or theme back to its previous state if there is an error during the update process. Tato funkce vytvoří dočasnou zálohu pluginu nebo šablony před jejich aktualizací. Tato záloha slouží k obnovení pluginu nebo šablony do předchozího stavu, pokud během procesu aktualizace dojde k chybě. Details
This feature will create a temporary backup of a plugin or theme before it is upgraded. This backup is used to restore the plugin or theme back to its previous state if there is an error during the update process.

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The site editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Editor webu vyžaduje JavaScript. Povolte prosím JavaScript v nastavení prohlížeče. Details
The site editor requires JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings.

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In a few words, explain what this site is about. Example: &#8220;%s.&#8221; Několika slovy vysvětlete, o čem tato stránka je. Příklad: &#8222;%s&#8220;. Details
In a few words, explain what this site is about. Example: &#8220;%s.&#8221;

%s: Site tagline example.


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Could not create the destination directory. Nepodařilo se vytvořit cílový adresář. Details
Could not create the destination directory.

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Could not delete the temporary backup directory for %s. Nelze smazat dočasný záložní adresář pro %s. Details
Could not delete the temporary backup directory for %s.

%s: The plugin or theme slug.


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Available disk space Dostupné místo na disku Details
Available disk space

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Plugin and theme temporary backup directory access Přístup k adresáři dočasných záloh pluginů a šablon Details
Plugin and theme temporary backup directory access

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Could not move the old version to the %s directory. Nelze přesunout starou verzi do adresáře %s. Details
Could not move the old version to the %s directory.

%s: upgrade-temp-backup


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Could not restore the original version of %s. Nelze obnovit původní verzi %s. Details
Could not restore the original version of %s.

%s: The plugin or theme slug.


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Could not create the %s directory. Adresář %s nelze vytvořit. Details
Could not create the %s directory.

%s: upgrade-temp-backup


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The %s directory cannot be located. Adresář %s nelze najít. Details
The %s directory cannot be located.

%s: wp-content


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