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Translation of Stable (latest release): French (France)

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Prio Original string Translation
Clean all orphaned post meta records Nettoyer tous les métadonnées de publication orphelines Details
Clean all orphaned post meta records

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Orphaned Post Meta Métadonnées de commentaire orphelines Details
Orphaned Post Meta

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Globally fast TTFB, easy setup, and <a %s>more</a>! TTFB globalement rapide, configuration facile et <a %s>plus</a> ! Details
Globally fast TTFB, easy setup, and <a %s>more</a>!

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Best available WordPress performance Meilleures performances WordPress disponibles Details
Best available WordPress performance

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Try CDN! Essayez le CDN Try ! Details
Try CDN!

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Clean orphaned post meta successfully. Nettoyage réussi de méta orpheline de la publication. Details
Clean orphaned post meta successfully.

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Last Pulled Dernier tirage Details
Last Pulled

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You can list the 3rd party vary cookies here. Vous pouvez dresser la liste des cookies tiers ici. Details
You can list the 3rd party vary cookies here.

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Vary Cookies Varier les cookies Details
Vary Cookies

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Preconnecting speeds up future loads from a given origin. La pré-connexion accélère les charges futures à partir d’une origine donnée. Details
Preconnecting speeds up future loads from a given origin.

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If your theme does not use JS to update the mini cart, you must enable this option to display the correct cart contents. Si votre thème n’utilise pas JS pour mettre à jour le mini-panier, vous devez activer cette option pour afficher le contenu correct du panier. Details
If your theme does not use JS to update the mini cart, you must enable this option to display the correct cart contents.

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Generate a separate vary cache copy for the mini cart when the cart is not empty. Générer une copie de cache séparée pour le mini-panier lorsque le panier n’est pas vide. Details
Generate a separate vary cache copy for the mini cart when the cart is not empty.

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Vary for Mini Cart Variable pour le mini-panier Details
Vary for Mini Cart

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DNS Preconnect Pré-connexion DNS Details
DNS Preconnect

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This setting is %1$s for certain qualifying requests due to %2$s! Ce paramètre est %1$s pour certaines demandes qualifiées en raison de %2$s Details
This setting is %1$s for certain qualifying requests due to %2$s!

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Changes requested
With warnings
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