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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Slovenian

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Prio Original string Translation
All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...
Priority: high
Vse v enem neprekosljiva pohitritev & Izboljšanje hitrosti strani: predpomnilnik, optimizacija slik/CSS/JS... Details
All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...

Short description.

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LiteSpeed Cache
Priority: high
LiteSpeed Cache Details
LiteSpeed Cache

Plugin name.

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WP Statistics WP Statistika Details
WP Statistics

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Widgets and Shortcodes as ESI blocks* (requires Classic Widgets plugin for WP 5.8+) Pripomočki in bližnjice kot bloki ESI* (zahteva vtičnik Classic Widgets za WP 5.8+) Details
Widgets and Shortcodes as ESI blocks* (requires Classic Widgets plugin for WP 5.8+)

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Defer/delay JS loading Odložitev/preložitev nalaganja JS Details
Defer/delay JS loading

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Minify inline & external CSS/JS Zmanjšanje internih vrstic & amp; zunanjih CSS/JS Details
Minify inline & external CSS/JS

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WS Form WS Form Details
WS Form

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<a href="">All in One SEO</a> <a href="">Vse v enem SEO</a> Details
<a href="">All in One SEO</a>

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Please see the <a href=""> Privacy Policy</a> for our complete Privacy/GDPR statement. Oglejte si <a href=""> politiko zasebnosti</a> za našo popolno izjavo o zasebnosti/GDPR. Details
Please see the <a href=""> Privacy Policy</a> for our complete Privacy/GDPR statement.

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In addition to caching, our WordPress plugin has online features provided by for Image Optimization, CSS Optimization and Low Quality Image Placeholder services. When one of those optimizations are requested, data is transmitted to a remote server, processed, and then transmitted back for use on your site. Now if using the CDN it uses LSCache technologies to access your site then host your site to others globally and also your data is not transferred to or accessed by employees in any way, except as necessary in providing maintenance or technical support. keeps copies of that data for up to 7 days and then permanently deletes them. Similarly, the WordPress plugin has a Reporting feature whereby a site owner can transmit an environment report to LiteSpeed so that we may better provide technical support. None of these features collects any visitor data. Only server and site data are involved. Poleg predpomnilnika ima naš WordPress vtičnik tudi spletne funkcije, ki jih zagotavlja za storitve optimizacije slik, optimizacije CSS in nadomestnih sličic nizke kakovosti. Ko se zahteva ena od teh optimizacij, se podatki prenesejo v oddaljeni strežnik, se obdelajo in nato prenesejo nazaj za uporabo na vašem spletnem mestu. Če uporabljate CDN, ta uporablja tehnologije LSCache za dostop do vašega spletnega mesta, nato pa gostuje na drugih mestih po vsem svetu, poleg tega pa vaši podatki niso preneseni ali dostopni zaposlenim na noben način, razen če je to potrebno pri zagotavljanju vzdrževanja ali tehnične podpore. hrani kopije teh podatkov do 7 dni, nato pa jih trajno izbriše. Podobno ima WordPress vtičnik funkcijo poročanja, s katero lahko lastnik spletnega mesta družbi LiteSpeed posreduje poročilo o okolju, da lahko bolje zagotovimo tehnično podporo. Nobena od teh funkcij ne zbira podatkov o obiskovalcih. Vključeni so samo podatki o strežniku in spletnem mestu. Details
In addition to caching, our WordPress plugin has online features provided by for Image Optimization, CSS Optimization and Low Quality Image Placeholder services. When one of those optimizations are requested, data is transmitted to a remote server, processed, and then transmitted back for use on your site. Now if using the CDN it uses LSCache technologies to access your site then host your site to others globally and also your data is not transferred to or accessed by employees in any way, except as necessary in providing maintenance or technical support. keeps copies of that data for up to 7 days and then permanently deletes them. Similarly, the WordPress plugin has a Reporting feature whereby a site owner can transmit an environment report to LiteSpeed so that we may better provide technical support. None of these features collects any visitor data. Only server and site data are involved.

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This plugin includes some suggested text that you can add to your site's Privacy Policy via the Guide in the WordPress Privacy settings. Ta vtičnik vključuje nekaj predlaganih besedil, ki jih lahko dodate v pravilnik o zasebnosti svojega spletnega mesta prek vodnika v WordPress nastavitvah zasebnosti. Details
This plugin includes some suggested text that you can add to your site's Privacy Policy via the Guide in the WordPress Privacy settings.

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PageSpeed score (including Core Web Vitals) optimization PageSpeed rezultat (vključno s Core Web Vitals) optimizacije Details
PageSpeed score (including Core Web Vitals) optimization

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LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress is compatible with ClassicPress. LiteSpeed Cache za WordPress je združljiv s ClassicPress. Details
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress is compatible with ClassicPress.

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+ This service is not provided by the LSCache plugin, nor is it guaranteed to be installed by your service provider. However, the plugin is compatible with the service if it is in use on your site. + Te storitve ne zagotavlja LSCache vtičnik, prav tako ni zagotovljeno, da jo bo namestil vaš ponudnik storitev. Vendar je vtičnik združljiv s to storitvijo, če jo uporabljate na svojem spletnem mestu. Details
+ This service is not provided by the LSCache plugin, nor is it guaranteed to be installed by your service provider. However, the plugin is compatible with the service if it is in use on your site.

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OPcode Cache Support+ OPcode podpora za predpomnilnik+ Details
OPcode Cache Support+

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