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Translation of Development Readme (trunk): Korean

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GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
Priority: high
GiveWP - 기부 플러그인 및 모금 플랫폼 Details
GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform

Plugin name.

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Accept donations and begin fundraising with GiveWP, the highest rated WordPress donation plugin for online giving.
Priority: high
온라인 기부를 위한 최고 등급의 워드프레스 기부 플러그인인 GiveWP로 기부를 수락하고 모금을 시작하세요. Details
Accept donations and begin fundraising with GiveWP, the highest rated WordPress donation plugin for online giving.

Short description.

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Never used blocks before? No worries - <a href="">we’ve got you covered with our guide</a>. 블록을 처음 사용하시나요? 걱정하지 마세요 - <a href="">가이드가 준비되어 있습니다</a>. Details
Never used blocks before? No worries - <a href="">we’ve got you covered with our guide</a>.

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In this builder, you’ll see your design in real time. Watch as your form takes shape as you select custom colors, fields, elements, and more. For those with a flair for customization, you can add Custom CSS directly into the builder. 이 빌더에서는 디자인을 실시간으로 확인할 수 있습니다. 사용자 정의 색상, 필드, 요소 등을 선택하면서 양식이 구체화되는 과정을 지켜보세요. 사용자 정의에 재능이 있다면 빌더에 직접 사용자 정의 CSS를 추가할 수 있습니다. Details
In this builder, you’ll see your design in real time. Watch as your form takes shape as you select custom colors, fields, elements, and more. For those with a flair for customization, you can add Custom CSS directly into the builder.

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GiveWP has taken inspiration from Gutenberg blocks to create an even better form-building experience. The Visual Donation Form Builder uses sections and blocks to provide a more intuitive way to build and configure your donation forms. GiveWP는 구텐베르크 블록에서 영감을 받아 더 나은 양식 작성 환경을 만들었습니다. 시각적 기부 양식 작성기는 섹션과 블록을 사용하여 기부 양식을 보다 직관적으로 작성하고 구성할 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다. Details
GiveWP has taken inspiration from Gutenberg blocks to create an even better form-building experience. The Visual Donation Form Builder uses sections and blocks to provide a more intuitive way to build and configure your donation forms.

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<a href="">Funds &amp; Designations</a> <a href="">펀드 및 지정</a> Details
<a href="">Funds &amp; Designations</a>

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<a href="">PDF Receipts</a> <a href="">PDF 영수증</a> Details
<a href="">PDF Receipts</a>

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<a href="">Tributes</a> <a href="">Tributes</a> Details
<a href="">Tributes</a>

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<a href="">Fee Recovery</a> <a href="">수수료 복구</a> Details
<a href="">Fee Recovery</a>

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<a href="">Form Field Manager</a> <a href="">양식 필드 관리자</a> Details
<a href="">Form Field Manager</a>

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<a href="">Text-to-Give</a> <a href="">Text-to-Give</a> Details
<a href="">Text-to-Give</a>

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<strong>Stripe Donations</strong> -- Accept donations through any payment method (like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or ACH) activated in your Stripe accounts. Upgrade to the <a href="">Premium Stripe</a> add-on to remove the 2% fee for one-time donations processed through Stripe. <strong>스트라이프 기부</strong> - 스트라이프 계정에서 활성화된 모든 결제수단(예: Apple Pay, Google Pay 또는 ACH)을 통해 기부를 수락합니다. <a href="">프리미엄 스트라이프</a> 애드온으로 업그레이드하면 스트라이프를 통해 처리되는 일회성 기부에 대한 2% 수수료를 면제받을 수 있습니다. Details
<strong>Stripe Donations</strong> -- Accept donations through any payment method (like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or ACH) activated in your Stripe accounts. Upgrade to the <a href="">Premium Stripe</a> add-on to remove the 2% fee for one-time donations processed through Stripe.

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<a href="">Niels Vink, a Dutch wheelchair tennis player</a>, uses GiveWP to raise money to train, travel, and participate in competitions. At the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics, Vink earned a gold medal in doubles and a bronze medal in singles. <a href="">네덜란드의 휠체어 테니스 선수인 닐스 빈크</a>는 훈련, 여행, 대회 참가를 위한 기금을 마련하기 위해 GiveWP를 사용합니다. 2021 도쿄 패럴림픽에서 빈크는 복식 금메달과 단식 동메달을 획득했습니다. Details
<a href="">Niels Vink, a Dutch wheelchair tennis player</a>, uses GiveWP to raise money to train, travel, and participate in competitions. At the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics, Vink earned a gold medal in doubles and a bronze medal in singles.

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<a href="">Quiltlove</a>, which provides personalized quilts for different life events (like new babies, extended hospital stays, and more), uses GiveWP to create a sustainable business model. <a href="">Quiltlove</a>는 신생아, 장기 입원 등 다양한 생활 이벤트에 맞는 맞춤형 퀼트를 제공하는 업체로, GiveWP를 사용하여 지속 가능한 비즈니스 모델을 만들고 있습니다. Details
<a href="">Quiltlove</a>, which provides personalized quilts for different life events (like new babies, extended hospital stays, and more), uses GiveWP to create a sustainable business model.

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<strong><a href="">Read our Docs on How to Use the Visual Form Builder</a>.</strong> <strong><a href="">시각적 양식 작성기 사용 방법에 대한 문서를 읽어보세요</a>.</strong> Details
<strong><a href="">Read our Docs on How to Use the Visual Form Builder</a>.</strong>

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