Translations of Original 866489 in

Prio Locale Original string Translation
ar By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! يعني التبديل إلى خطة سنوية أنك قد تدفع ⁦%1$s⁩ شهريًا فقط. وهذا المبلغ البالغ ⁦%2$s%% أقل من خطتك الشهرية الحالية. تبعد نقرة عن الدفع هذا المبلغ القليل! Details
Arabic (ar)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

يعني التبديل إلى خطة سنوية أنك قد تدفع ⁦%1$s⁩ شهريًا فقط. وهذا المبلغ البالغ ⁦%2$s%% أقل من خطتك الشهرية الحالية. تبعد نقرة عن الدفع هذا المبلغ القليل!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 15:55:22 GMT
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bg By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Като преминете към годишен план, може да плащате само %1$s на месец. Това са %2$s по-малко от текущия ви месечен план. Вие сте на едно кликване от плащането по-малко! Details
Bulgarian (bg)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Warning: Missing %% placeholder in translation.
Като преминете към годишен план, може да плащате само %1$s на месец. Това са %2$s по-малко от текущия ви месечен план. Вие сте на едно кликване от плащането по-малко!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-02-04 16:30:03 GMT
Translated by:
Mr_Alk (alexkuyumdzhiev)
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bg By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Като преминете към годишен план, може да плащате само %1$s на месец. Това са %2$s%% по-малко от текущия ви месечен план. Вие сте на едно кликване от плащането по-малко! Details
Bulgarian (bg)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Като преминете към годишен план, може да плащате само %1$s на месец. Това са %2$s%% по-малко от текущия ви месечен план. Вие сте на едно кликване от плащането по-малко!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-02-04 16:30:24 GMT
Translated by:
Mr_Alk (alexkuyumdzhiev)
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cv By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Ҫулталӑклӑх плана куҫсан, уйӑхне %1$s ҫеҫ тӳлеме май пулать. Ку вӑл хальхи уйӑхлӑх планран %2$s%% сахалрах . Сахалрах тӳлемешкӗн пӗр пускӑча кӑна пусмалла! Details
Chuvash (cv)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Ҫулталӑклӑх плана куҫсан, уйӑхне %1$s ҫеҫ тӳлеме май пулать. Ку вӑл хальхи уйӑхлӑх планран %2$s%% сахалрах . Сахалрах тӳлемешкӗн пӗр пускӑча кӑна пусмалла!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-06-22 15:21:45 GMT
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Victor77 (armuti)
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cy By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Drwy newid i gynllun blynyddol, gallech fod yn talu dim ond %1$s y mis. Mae hynny %2$s%% yn llai na'ch cynllun misol cyfredol. Rydych chi un clic i ffwrdd o dalu llai! Details
Welsh (cy)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Drwy newid i gynllun blynyddol, gallech fod yn talu dim ond %1$s y mis. Mae hynny %2$s%% yn llai na'ch cynllun misol cyfredol. Rydych chi un clic i ffwrdd o dalu llai!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-08-23 16:17:47 GMT
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Rhoslyn Prys (gwgan)
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de By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Durch den Wechsel zu einem Jahrestarif würdest du nur %1$s pro Monat zahlen. Das sind %2$s%% weniger als bei deinem aktuellen Monatstarif. Mit nur einem Klick kannst du Geld sparen! Details
German (de)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Durch den Wechsel zu einem Jahrestarif würdest du nur %1$s pro Monat zahlen. Das sind %2$s%% weniger als bei deinem aktuellen Monatstarif. Mit nur einem Klick kannst du Geld sparen!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-01 12:55:02 GMT
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de (formal) By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Durch den Wechsel zu einem Jahrestarif würden Sie nur %1$s pro Monat zahlen. Das sind %2$s%% weniger als bei Ihrem aktuellen Monatstarif. Mit nur einem Klick können Sie Geld sparen! Details
German (Formal) (de)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Durch den Wechsel zu einem Jahrestarif würden Sie nur %1$s pro Monat zahlen. Das sind %2$s%% weniger als bei Ihrem aktuellen Monatstarif. Mit nur einem Klick können Sie Geld sparen!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-01 12:55:02 GMT
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el By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Μεταβαίνοντας σε ετήσιο πακέτο, μπορείτε να πληρώνετε μόνο %1$s τον μήνα. Αυτό αντιστοιχεί σε %2$s%% λιγότερο από το τωρινό μηνιαίο σας πλάνο. Βρίσκεστε σε απόσταση ενός μόνο κλικ από το να πληρώνετε λιγότερο! Details
Greek (el)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Μεταβαίνοντας σε ετήσιο πακέτο, μπορείτε να πληρώνετε μόνο %1$s τον μήνα. Αυτό αντιστοιχεί σε %2$s%% λιγότερο από το τωρινό μηνιαίο σας πλάνο. Βρίσκεστε σε απόσταση ενός μόνο κλικ από το να πληρώνετε λιγότερο!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-02-04 11:26:32 GMT
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Κώστας Κητής (ckitis)
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el-po By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Μεταπίπτοντας σὲ ἐτήσιο πακέτο, θὰ πληρώνετε μόνο %1$s μηνιαίως. Αὐτὸ σημαίνει %2$s%% λιγότερο ἀπὸ τὸ τρέχον μηνιαῖο σας πακέτο. Μὲ τὸ πάτημα ἑνὸς κουμπιοῦ θὰ πληρώνετε λιγότερο! Details
Polytonic Greek (el-po)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Μεταπίπτοντας σὲ ἐτήσιο πακέτο, θὰ πληρώνετε μόνο %1$s μηνιαίως. Αὐτὸ σημαίνει %2$s%% λιγότερο ἀπὸ τὸ τρέχον μηνιαῖο σας πακέτο. Μὲ τὸ πάτημα ἑνὸς κουμπιοῦ θὰ πληρώνετε λιγότερο!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-09 10:06:41 GMT
Translated by:
The Polytonic Project (keymangreek)
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en-gb By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Details
English (UK) (en-gb)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-06-23 14:18:33 GMT
Translated by:
Thom S (hideandgeek404)
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es By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Si cambias a un plan anual, podrías pagar solo %1$s al mes. Pagarás %2$s%% menos que con tu plan mensual actual. Solo tienes que hacer clic para pagar menos. Details
Spanish (es)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Si cambias a un plan anual, podrías pagar solo %1$s al mes. Pagarás %2$s%% menos que con tu plan mensual actual. Solo tienes que hacer clic para pagar menos.

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 08:55:11 GMT
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fa By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! با تغییر به یک طرح سالانه، ممکن است هر ماه فقط %1$s پرداخت کنید. این %2$s%% کمتر از طرح ماهانه فعلی شما است. تنها یک کلیک تا پرداخت مبلغ کمتر، فاصله دارید! Details
Persian (fa)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

با تغییر به یک طرح سالانه، ممکن است هر ماه فقط %1$s پرداخت کنید. این %2$s%% کمتر از طرح ماهانه فعلی شما است. تنها یک کلیک تا پرداخت مبلغ کمتر، فاصله دارید!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-07-16 13:03:16 GMT
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اونتاشگال (untashgaal)
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fr By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! En optant pour un plan annuel, vous pourriez ne payer que %1$s par mois. C’est %2$s%% de moins par rapport à votre plan mensuel actuel. Un clic suffit pour payer moins ! Details
French (fr)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

En optant pour un plan annuel, vous pourriez ne payer que %1$s par mois. C’est %2$s%% de moins par rapport à votre plan mensuel actuel. Un clic suffit pour payer moins !

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 08:55:09 GMT
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gl By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Ao cambiar a un plan anual, poderías estar pagando só %1$s ao mes. Iso é %2$s%% menos que o teu plan mensual actual. ¡Só tes que facer click para pagar menos! Details
Galician (gl)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Ao cambiar a un plan anual, poderías estar pagando só %1$s ao mes. Iso é %2$s%% menos que o teu plan mensual actual. ¡Só tes que facer click para pagar menos!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-06-14 10:58:59 GMT
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Elena Dosil (elenatheknitter)
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he By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! עם המעבר לתוכנית השנתית אפשר לשלם רק ⁦%1$s⁩ לחודש. זה⁦%2$s%% פחות מהעלות בתוכנית החודשית הנוכחית שלך. לחיצה אחת ואפשר להתחיל לשלם פחות! Details
Hebrew (he)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

עם המעבר לתוכנית השנתית אפשר לשלם רק ⁦%1$s⁩ לחודש. זה⁦%2$s%% פחות מהעלות בתוכנית החודשית הנוכחית שלך. לחיצה אחת ואפשר להתחיל לשלם פחות!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 15:55:00 GMT
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hi By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! वार्षिक योजना पर स्विच करके, आप प्रति माह केवल %1$s का भुगतान कर सकते हैं। यह आपकी वर्तमान मासिक योजना से %2$s%% कम है। आप ��म भुगतान करने से एक क्लिक दूर हैं! Details
Hindi (hi)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

वार्षिक योजना पर स्विच करके, आप प्रति माह केवल %1$s का भुगतान कर सकते हैं। यह आपकी वर्तमान मासिक योजना से %2$s%% कम है। आप कम भुगतान करने से एक क्लिक दूर हैं!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-12-19 06:07:15 GMT
Translated by:
Vijaya Madhavi (vijayamadhavi)
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id By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s per bulan. %2$s%% lebih murah daripada paket bulanan. Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan diskon! Details
Indonesian (id)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Dengan paket tahunan, Anda hanya perlu membayar %1$s per bulan. %2$s%% lebih murah daripada paket bulanan. Selangkah lagi Anda akan mendapatkan diskon!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 10:55:04 GMT
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it By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Passando a piano annuale, potresti pagare solamente %1$s al mese. Sono meno di %2$s%% rispetto al tuo piano attuale mensile. Sei a pochi clic dal pagare meno. Details
Italian (it)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Passando a piano annuale, potresti pagare solamente %1$s al mese. Sono meno di %2$s%% rispetto al tuo piano attuale mensile. Sei a pochi clic dal pagare meno.

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 20:55:18 GMT
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ja By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! 年額プランに切り替えると、支払いが月 %1$sのみになります。 現在の月間プランよりも%2$s%% 削減されます。 クリックして支払いを減らしましょう ! Details
Japanese (ja)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

年額プランに切り替えると、支払いが月 %1$sのみになります。 現在の月間プランよりも%2$s%% 削減されます。 クリックして支払いを減らしましょう !

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-03 10:55:02 GMT
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ko By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! 연간 요금제로 전환하는 경우 단 %1$s/월만 결제하면 됩니다. 현재 월간 요금제보다 %2$s%% 저렴합니다. 한 번 클릭하여 적게 결제할 수 있습니다! Details
Korean (ko)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

연간 요금제로 전환하는 경우 단 %1$s/월만 결제하면 됩니다. 현재 월간 요금제보다 %2$s%% 저렴합니다. 한 번 클릭하여 적게 결제할 수 있습니다!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 10:55:02 GMT
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mn By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Жилийн багц руу шилжвэл та сарын зөвхөн %1$s-г төлнө. Энэ нь таны одоогийн сарын багцаас %2$s%% хувиар бага гэсэн үг. Та нэг товч дараад л багыг төлж болохоор байна шүү! Details
Mongolian (mn)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Жилийн багц руу шилжвэл та сарын зөвхөн %1$s-г төлнө. Энэ нь таны одоогийн сарын багцаас %2$s%% хувиар бага гэсэн үг. Та нэг товч дараад л багыг төлж болохоор байна шүү!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-22 14:46:31 GMT
Translated by:
Jagana G (jaga3190dc29ad053)
Approved by:
Zolbayar (zolbayarq)
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nl By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Als je overschakelt naar een jaarabonnement, betaal je maar %1$s per maand. Dat is %2$s%% minder dan je huidige maandelijkse abonnement. Je bent slechts één klik verwijderd van minder betalen! Details
Dutch (nl)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Als je overschakelt naar een jaarabonnement, betaal je maar %1$s per maand. Dat is %2$s%% minder dan je huidige maandelijkse abonnement. Je bent slechts één klik verwijderd van minder betalen!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 17:55:08 GMT
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pa By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! ਸਲਾਨਾ ਯੋਜ���ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਦਲ ਕੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ %1$s ਪ੍ਰਤੀ ਮਹੀਨਾ ਭੁਗਤਾਨ ਕਰੋਗੇ ਜੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਮਹੀਨੇਵਾਰ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਤੋਂ %2$s%% ਘੱਟ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ��� ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬੱਚਤ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਸਿਰਫ ਇੱਕ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਦੀ ਦੂਰੀ 'ਤੇ ਹੋ! Details
Punjabi (pa)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

ਸਲਾਨਾ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਦਲ ਕੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ %1$s ਪ੍ਰਤੀ ਮਹੀਨਾ ਭੁਗਤਾਨ ਕਰੋਗੇ ਜੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਮਹੀਨੇਵਾਰ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਤੋਂ %2$s%% ਘੱਟ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬੱਚਤ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਸਿਰਫ ਇੱਕ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਦੀ ਦੂਰੀ 'ਤੇ ਹੋ!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-08-06 08:31:45 GMT
Translated by:
Satnam S Virdi (satnamsvirdi)
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pt-br By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Ao trocar para um plano anual, você paga apenas %1$s por mês. Isso é %2$s%% a menos do que no seu plano mensal atual. Você está a um clique de pagar menos! Details
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Ao trocar para um plano anual, você paga apenas %1$s por mês. Isso é %2$s%% a menos do que no seu plano mensal atual. Você está a um clique de pagar menos!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 22:54:58 GMT
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ro By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Dacă comuți la un plan anual, vei plăti numai %1$s pe lună. Este cu %2$s%% mai puțin decât plata actuală pentru planul tău lunar. Ești la un clic distanță ca să plătești mai puțin! Details
Romanian (ro)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Dacă comuți la un plan anual, vei plăti numai %1$s pe lună. Este cu %2$s%% mai puțin decât plata actuală pentru planul tău lunar. Ești la un clic distanță ca să plătești mai puțin!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-01-12 20:09:00 GMT
Translated by:
Ianis (ianis2)
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ru By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Годовая подписка обходилась бы вам всего в %1$s в месяц. Это на %2$s%% меньше, чем стоимость месячной подписки. Сделайте всего несколько кликов и платите меньше! Details
Russian (ru)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Годовая подписка обходилась бы вам всего в %1$s в месяц. Это на %2$s%% меньше, чем стоимость месячной подписки. Сделайте всего несколько кликов и платите меньше!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 17:55:02 GMT
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sr By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Преласком на годишњи план могли бисте да плаћате само %1$s месечно. То је за %2$s%% мање од вашег тренутног месечног плана. На корак сте од давања мање новца! Details
Serbian (sr)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Преласком на годишњи план могли бисте да плаћате само %1$s месечно. То је за %2$s%% мање од вашег тренутног месечног плана. На корак сте од давања мање новца!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-05-19 15:35:27 GMT
Translated by:
Sara (dropsofjupiter3)
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sv By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Om du byter till ett årligt paket betalar du bara %1$s per månad. Det är %2$s%% mindre än för ditt nuvarande månatliga paket. Du är bara ett klick från att betala mindre. Details
Swedish (sv)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Om du byter till ett årligt paket betalar du bara %1$s per månad. Det är %2$s%% mindre än för ditt nuvarande månatliga paket. Du är bara ett klick från att betala mindre.

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 10:54:57 GMT
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ta By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! ஒரு ஆண்டு திட்டத்திற்கு மாற்றுவதன் மூலம், நீங்கள் ஒரு மாதத்திற்குப் பட்டதாக %1$s மட்டுமே செலுத்துவீர்கள். இது உங்கள் தற்போதைய மாத திட்டத்திற்குப் பெரும்பாலும் %2$s%% குறைவாக இருக்கும். குறிப்பிட்ட முறையில் குறைவாக செலுத்துவதிலிருந்து நீங்கள் ஒரு கிளிக்கினையின் தொடர்புடையதாகும்! Details
Tamil (ta)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

ஒரு ஆண்டு திட்டத்திற்கு மாற்றுவதன் மூலம், நீங்கள் ஒரு மாதத்திற்குப் பட்டதாக %1$s மட்டுமே செலுத்துவீர்கள். இது உங்கள் தற்போதைய மாத திட்டத்திற்குப் பெரும்பாலும் %2$s%% குறைவாக இருக்கும். குறிப்பிட்ட முறையில் குறைவாக செலுத்துவதிலிருந்து நீங்கள் ஒரு கிளிக்கினையின் தொடர்புடையதாகும்!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-01-17 17:33:49 GMT
Translated by:
தமிழ்நேரம் (tace16)
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tr By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Yıllık plana geçerek ayda sadece %1$s ödersiniz. Bu, mevcut aylık planınızdan %2$s%% daha az. Daha az ödemeye sadece bir tıklama uzaktasınız! Details
Turkish (tr)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Yıllık plana geçerek ayda sadece %1$s ödersiniz. Bu, mevcut aylık planınızdan %2$s%% daha az. Daha az ödemeye sadece bir tıklama uzaktasınız!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-02 15:55:02 GMT
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uk By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Перейшовши на річний тарифний план, ви платитимете лише %1$ на місяць. Це на %2$s%% менше, ніж ваш поточний щомісячний план. Ви на відстані одного кліку від того, щоб платити менше! Details
Ukrainian (uk)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Warning: Missing %1$s placeholder in translation.
Перейшовши на річний тарифний план, ви платитимете лише %1$ на місяць. Це на %2$s%% менше, ніж ваш поточний щомісячний план. Ви на відстані одного кліку від того, щоб платити менше!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-05-08 09:51:49 GMT
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uk By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! Перейшовши на річний тарифний план, ви платитимете лише %1$s на місяць. Це на %2$s%% менше, ніж ваш поточний щомісячний план. Ви на відстані одного кліку від того, щоб платити менше! Details
Ukrainian (uk)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

Перейшовши на річний тарифний план, ви платитимете лише %1$s на місяць. Це на %2$s%% менше, ніж ваш поточний щомісячний план. Ви на відстані одного кліку від того, щоб платити менше!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2024-05-08 09:52:05 GMT
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zh-cn By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! 转为年度套餐后,您每月仅需支付 %1$s。 与当前月度套餐相比,可节省 %2$s%%。 您离节省资金只有一步之遥! Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

转为年度套餐后,您每月仅需支付 %1$s。 与当前月度套餐相比,可节省 %2$s%%。 您离节省资金只有一步之遥!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-03-01 19:54:57 GMT
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zh-tw By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less! 切換至年繳方案,每月只需支付 %1$s。 相當於目前月繳方案省下 %2$s%% 的費用。 只要按一下就能付更少! Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

By switching to an annual plan, you could be paying just %1$s per month. That’s %2$s%% less than your current monthly plan. You’re a click away from paying less!

切換至年繳方案,每月只需支付 %1$s。 相當於目前月繳方案省下 %2$s%% 的費用。 只要按一下就能付更少!

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translators: %$1s is the plan cost per month, %$2s is the savings they will make expressed as a percentage
Date added:
2023-12-17 01:21:41 GMT
Translated by:
Tenz Shih (tenz1225)
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