Translations of Original 866463 in

Prio Locale Original string Translation
ar %s plan will expire soon ستنتهي صلاحية خطة %s قريبًا Details
Arabic (ar)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

ستنتهي صلاحية خطة %s قريبًا

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cv %s plan will expire soon %s план часах вӗҫленет Details
Chuvash (cv)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s план часах вӗҫленет

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cy %s plan will expire soon Bydd cynllun %s yn dod i ben yn fuan Details
Welsh (cy)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Bydd cynllun %s yn dod i ben yn fuan

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de %s plan will expire soon %s-Tarif läuft bald aus Details
German (de)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s-Tarif läuft bald aus

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el %s plan will expire soon %s συνδρομή λήγει εντός μικρού χρονικού διαστήματος Details
Greek (el)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s συνδρομή λήγει εντός μικρού χρονικού διαστήματος

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el-po %s plan will expire soon Τὸ %s πακέτο θὰ λήξει σύντομα Details
Polytonic Greek (el-po)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Τὸ %s πακέτο θὰ λήξει σύντομα

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en-gb %s plan will expire soon %s plan will expire soon Details
English (UK) (en-gb)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

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es %s plan will expire soon El plan %s caducará pronto Details
Spanish (es)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

El plan %s caducará pronto

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fa %s plan will expire soon %s به زودی منقضی می‌شود Details
Persian (fa)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s به زودی منقضی می‌شود

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fr %s plan will expire soon Le plan %s arrive bientôt à expiration Details
French (fr)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Le plan %s arrive bientôt à expiration

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gl %s plan will expire soon O plan %s caducará axiña. Details
Galician (gl)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

O plan %s caducará axiña.

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he %s plan will expire soon תוקף התוכנית %s יפוג בקרוב Details
Hebrew (he)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

תוקף התוכנית %s יפוג בקרוב

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hi %s plan will expire soon %s योजना शीघ्र ही समाप्त हो जायेगी Details
Hindi (hi)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s योजना शीघ्र ही समाप्त हो जायेगी

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id %s plan will expire soon Paket %s akan segera kedaluwarsa Details
Indonesian (id)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Paket %s akan segera kedaluwarsa

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it %s plan will expire soon Il piano %s scadrà presto Details
Italian (it)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Il piano %s scadrà presto

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ja %s plan will expire soon %sプランは間もなく有効期限が切れます Details
Japanese (ja)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon


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ko %s plan will expire soon %s 요금제 곧 만료 예정 Details
Korean (ko)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s 요금제 곧 만료 예정

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mn %s plan will expire soon %s үйлчилгээний багцын хугацаа удахгүй дуусах гэж байна Details
Mongolian (mn)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s үйлчилгээний багцын хугацаа удахгүй дуусах гэж байна

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nl %s plan will expire soon %s -abonnement verloopt snel Details
Dutch (nl)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s -abonnement verloopt snel

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pt-br %s plan will expire soon O plano %s expirará em breve Details
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

O plano %s expirará em breve

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ro %s plan will expire soon Planul %s va expira în curând Details
Romanian (ro)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Planul %s va expira în curând

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ru %s plan will expire soon Срок действия подписки %s скоро истечёт Details
Russian (ru)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Срок действия подписки %s скоро истечёт

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sq %s plan will expire soon Plani %s do të skadojë së shpejti Details
Albanian (sq)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

Plani %s do të skadojë së shpejti

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sr %s plan will expire soon %s план ће истећи ускоро Details
Serbian (sr)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s план ће истећи ускоро

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sv %s plan will expire soon %s-paketet löper snart ut Details
Swedish (sv)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s-paketet löper snart ut

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tr %s plan will expire soon %s paketinin süresi yakında dolacak Details
Turkish (tr)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s paketinin süresi yakında dolacak

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zh-cn %s plan will expire soon %s 套餐即将到期 Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s 套餐即将到期

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zh-tw %s plan will expire soon %s 方案即將到期 Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

%s plan will expire soon

%s plan will expire soon

%s 方案即將到期

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with warnings