Happy International Translation Day!

International Translation Day is celebrated on September 30th each year to pay tribute to the hard work of translators around the world. The first International Translation Day was celebrated by the International Federation of Translators since it was founded in 1953. It has since been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly.

2019 Poster for International Translation Day by Claudia Wolf.

In an increasingly global world, the work of translators and interpreters serves an ever more important role in connecting people across the globe. Translators help create equality of access across a number of domains including: technology, medicine, education, and culture. Translation breaks down barriers and brings people together.

WordPress‘s goal is to empower people, no matter what language they speak or where they live, to create a website, a blog, or an app – a livelihood. Translation makes this possible. Without the hard work of our vibrant community of translators, WordPress would not be available in as many languages.

In honor of International Translation Day, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the translators that have contributed translations to WordPress.com and the WordPress open source project. To our wonderful and diverse community of WordPress translators: we couldn’t do it without you!

* To contribute translations to WordPress.com or the WordPress open source project, please see some additional links below: