Best of Towards AWS — June 2024

Kisan Tamang
Towards AWS
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2024

You can read the previous issue here.

Automating Incident Resolution in AWS

Build & Deploy a dynamic application on AWS ECS and configure a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline

Why AWS Lambda with DVC is not the best choice for a Data Versioning Pipeline

How I Pass the AWS Data Engineer Associate exam in 2024

Learning AWS CodePipeline Hands-on learning: Part1

Learning AWS CodePipeline Hands-on learning: Part2

Build A Serverless Application With AWS CDK

Deploying a Spring Boot Application on AWS EKS using Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide with Docker, Maven, and Kubernetes

My Top Dev Tools for Cloud Development in 2024!

AWS Multi-Account Strategy I: AWS Organizations, OUs, and Accounts

AWS CDK: Creating Service Catalogues

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