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Support the Adult Use of Marijuana Act:

Yes on 64!

Passing the California statewide ballot proposition, Prop 64, to control, regulate and tax adult use of marijuana will take a grassroots movement -- be a part of it right away.

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How can you support Prop 64: the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA)?

Our fight to end marijuana prohibition in California is just starting -- and we need you to win this fight.

Yes on 64 -- the campaign for the Adult Use of Marijuana Act -- is going to be driven by people just like you hitting the pavement, talking to their friends and family, and helping our movement grow. We're going to win this November -- but only if you give it your all.

Be part of our movement right away!

Our Growing Coalition

California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom

"Today, the largest coalition ever formed to support marijuana reform has filed the signatures to qualify the most thoughtful marijuana policy in the nation – with the strictest child protections and billions in new revenue for important programs such as public safety."

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa)

"Our current marijuana laws have undermined many of the things conservatives hold dear – individual freedom, limited government and the right to privacy.  This measure is a necessary reform which will end the failed system of marijuana prohibition in our state, provide California law enforcement the resources it needs to redouble its focus on serious crimes while providing a policy blueprint for other states to follow."

Los Angeles Times

"EDITORIAL: It's time to legalize and regulate marijuana in California. Yes on Proposition 64….By sending mixed messages, the federal government has effectively ceded its role and left it to states to create a new national marijuana policy that legalizes marijuana with minimal harm and meaningful protections. Proposition 64 is California’s attempt to do just that. The Times urges a “yes” vote."

Alice Huffman, President, California NAACP

"Reforming our marijuana laws is an important civil rights issue. The current system is counterproductive, financially wasteful and racially biased -- and the people of California want it to be fixed.  This measure will ensure that California is not unjustly criminalizing responsible adults while ensuring that our children and our communities are protected and vital state and local services are funded."

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