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  • Vinay Sindya on balancing work and fitness amidst a hectic schedule, says, “The key is to stay organised and not compromise on my health and fitness”

Vinay Sindya on balancing work and fitness amidst a hectic schedule, says, “The key is to stay organised and not compromise on my health and fitness”

Actor Vinay Sindya balances his role in the Telugu soap opera Oorvasivo Rakshashivo with a demanding career by prioritizing fitness and maintaining a disciplined workout routine.
Vinay Sindya on balancing work and fitness amidst a hectic schedule, says, “The key is to stay organised and not compromise on my health and fitness”
For most people, managing a demanding career while maintaining a consistent fitness regimen can be a daunting task. However, for actor Vinay Sindya, who is currently making waves with his performance in the popular Telugu daily soap, Oorvasivo Rakshashivo, it’s all about striking the perfect balance.
Vinay, known for his dedication and work ethic, has been juggling a busy shooting schedule in Hyderabad while residing in Bengaluru.
Despite the frequent travel and long hours on set, he has made it a priority to incorporate regular workouts into his routine.

Balancing Act: From Bengaluru to Hyderabad

The life of a television actor is often characterized by unpredictability and long working hours. Vinay’s role in Oorvasivo Rakshashivo requires him to spend significant time in Hyderabad, where the show is filmed. However, his home base remains in Bengaluru, necessitating frequent travel between the two cities.
“It’s definitely challenging,” Vinay admits. “Traveling between Bengaluru and Hyderabad can be exhausting, but it’s part of the job, and I love what I do. The key is to stay organized and ensure that I’m not compromising on my health and fitness.”

A Commitment to Fitness

Vinay's commitment to fitness is unwavering. He believes that a disciplined workout routine is essential not just for maintaining a desirable physique, but also for mental well-being and the stamina required to perform demanding roles.
“I’ve always been passionate about fitness. Working out helps me stay energized and focused. Even on days when my schedule is packed, I make it a point to squeeze in a workout session,” Vinay explains. “Whether it’s hitting the gym, working out at my abode, or a quick run, I ensure that I’m staying active.”

Incorporating Workouts into a Hectic Schedule

To maintain his fitness regime, Vinay has adopted a flexible approach. He tailors his workouts to fit around his shooting schedule and travel plans. Early morning and late evening sessions have become a norm, and he often utilizes the gym facilities available at his accommodations in Hyderabad.
“Time management is crucial. I plan my workouts around my shoot timings. If I have an early call time, I might work out in the evening and vice versa. It’s all about being adaptable and committed,” he shares.

Inspiring Others

Through his dedication and discipline, Vinay serves as an inspiration to his fans and fellow actors. His ability to balance a demanding career while prioritizing his health is a testament to his commitment and passion.
“To anyone struggling to find time for fitness, I’d say it’s all about prioritizing and making small adjustments. Even with a hectic schedule, it’s possible to stay fit and healthy,” Vinay advises.
As Vinay continues to shine in Oorvasivo Rakshashivo, his journey of balancing work and fitness serves as a reminder that with determination and proper planning, one can achieve great heights without compromising on health and well-being.
About the Author

Chaithra Chidananda M, an accomplished professional with a Master's in Electronic Media, is also a skilled contemporary dancer and holds a Bachelor's degree in Kathak. With an impressive five-year tenure as an entertainment journalist, she specializes in the dynamic world of Kannada TV. Chaithra excels in curating exclusive interviews and remains a frontrunner in tracking industry advancements, showcasing her dedication to staying abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of Kannada television.

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