This story is from August 6, 2023

“My wife disrespects me & taunts me because I earn less”

Here is a couple where the husband feels disrespected by his wife as he feels his earnings are too less. The lack of support irks him and he is confused how to deal wit this. Find out what our expert has sujggested.
“My wife disrespects me & taunts me because I earn less”
I was in a very toxic but high-paying job for a while. My girlfriend (now wife) motivated me to follow my passion even if it paid less. Three years later we got married and now she keeps taunting me and disrespecting me because I earn less salary and our spending has become a big mismatch. She complains all the time and my mental health is taking a toll.
I see it as plain hypocrisy! What should I do? My previous employers are eager to hire me back but I don’t want to go back into that hell hole! Please advice.
Expert advice by AiR Atman in Ravi, Spiritual Leader and Founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR center of Enlightenment
When your wife is taunting you that the salary that you earn and the expenses that you both have in the household are a mismatch, is it a reality or is it just a taunt? Think about it calmly. She was the one who inspired you to leave a toxic job and follow your passion, even if it paid less. She wished for the collective well-being of both of you. But now, if things are not working out as expected, you’ve got to understand what is going wrong and accordingly take action to make things work out. You’ve got to survive, you’ve got to exist and you’ve got to be happy! And you can’t continue thinking that you and your wife are separate entities. You are married. You are not two, rather, you are one. You are two bodies but your soul has to be one, your thought process has to be one. Communicate the problem patiently and hear her thoughts as to why and where she thinks the problem lies. It’s time to think together as a couple and solve the problem.
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