Jun 24, 2024

​10 positive things to tell a child daily

Aadya Jha

​Positive things to say to a child

Parents often get caught up in the daily life, juggling work, household chores, and other responsibilities. Amid this, it can be easy to overlook the simple and powerful words that can make a world of difference in our children's lives. Here are 10 positive things to say to child.


​“I love you”

Three little words that carry immense power. Telling your child "I love you" daily reassures them of your unconditional love and support. Children who feel loved are more likely to develop positive self-esteem and emotional security.


“I’m proud of you”

Recognising your child's achievements, big or small, builds their confidence and encourages them to strive for more. Children who receive praise for their efforts rather than their innate abilities are more likely to develop a growth mindset.


“You’re special”

Every child is unique, and it's important they know that their individuality is cherished. Children who are made to feel special by their parents tend to develop a stronger sense of identity and are more self-assured.


“I believe in you”

Instilling a sense of belief in your child's abilities empowers them to take on new challenges and strive for their dreams. Children who perceive their parents as supportive and believing in their capabilities tend to perform better academically and exhibit higher self-esteem.


“It’s okay to make mistakes”

Teaching your child that mistakes are a natural part of learning helps them develop resilience and a healthy attitude toward challenges. Children who understand that mistakes are an opportunity for growth are more likely to persevere and succeed in their endeavors .


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“You make me happy”

Letting your child know they bring joy into your life enhances their sense of self-worth. Children who feel they are a source of happiness for their parents tend to have higher levels of emotional well-being and social competence.


“You’re capable of anything”

Encouraging your child to believe in their unlimited potential helps them approach life with confidence and curiosity. Children who are encouraged to believe in their abilities are more likely to set ambitious goals and persist in the face of difficulties.


“I appreciate you”

Expressing appreciation for your child's efforts, kindness, and contributions reinforces positive behaviour and makes them feel valued. Children who receive regular acknowledgement for their good deeds are more likely to develop empathy and a sense of gratitude.


“Thank you for being you”

Thanking your child for simply being themselves helps them understand that their value is inherent and not tied to their actions or achievements. Children who feel appreciated for who they are, rather than what they do, tend to have a stronger sense of self-worth and emotional stability.


“I’m here for you”

Reassuring your child of your constant support provides a sense of security and belonging. Children who feel secure in their parents' support are more likely to exhibit emotional resilience and confidence.


Thanks For Reading!

Next: Understanding the red flags of controlling parent