Tips to deal with physical and mental discomforts during pregnancy

Pregnancy discomforts vary from nausea to insomnia. Hormonal changes bring mood swings, anxiety. Weight gain intensifies physical discomforts. Support from healthcare professionals, nutritionist, prenatal yoga, and childbirth education classes are essential for maternal well-being.
Tips to deal with physical and mental discomforts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, physical discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, back pain, and swollen feet are common. Hormonal changes can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. Pregnancy-related symptoms like morning sickness, heartburn, and constipation may cause discomfort. Hormonal fluctuations may contribute to insomnia and heightened emotional sensitivity.

As the pregnancy progresses, physical discomforts may intensify due to weight gain and pressure on internal organs. Mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety may also arise, requiring support and monitoring from healthcare professionals to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby.
If you are dealing with the discomforts of pregnancy, like morning sickness, constipation, being tired all the time, too sleepy or having a backache. Hormonal change can cause your mood changes, crying, irritability.
Tip 1: Please note that the discomforts of pregnancy are only temporary.
Stay healthy and fit by eating healthy foods( consult your nutritionist) exercise (with your trainer ) Exercise can help reduce stress and also helps prevent common pregnancy discomforts.
Tip 2: Worried about what to expect during the labor and birthing process or how to take care of your newborn baby.
Try relaxation activities, like prenatal yoga or meditation. It helps you manage mental stress and prepare you for labor and birth. Participate in childbirth education classes so you know what to expect during pregnancy and after delivery. These classes prepare you to confidently manage your new role as a mother. Practice breathing and relaxation methods regularly .

Tip 3: Problems with your partner or your family, or feeling as if you might not have enough support.
Have a good support network, which may include your partner, family and friends by talking to them about your fears and concerns. Ask your partner to help with chores around the house. Take help from a psychological counsellor. Go for couple counselling sessions. Ask for help from people you trust like your mom , sister , sister in law . Please accept help when they offer. For example, you may need help cleaning the house, caring for other children or you may want someone to go with you to your prenatal visits. Prepare a team to help you with each assigned chore .
Tip 4: You think you may have depression or anxiety, please talk with your gynecologist.
Getting treatment early is safe in pregnancy and important for your health and your baby’s health. Stress may lead to high blood pressure during pregnancy. A risk of a serious high blood pressure condition called preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm birth, mid-trimester abortion and a low-birthweight infant are common in stressed mothers.

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Sometimes just sharing your feelings or worries with someone else can take some of the weight off of your shoulders. Talk to other pregnant or new mothers they’ll be able to relate to, and might offer advice about what worked to relieve stress during their own pregnancies. You can also try writing out your thoughts—keeping a diary -making a list of the things and thoughts can help calm your mind and lower your stress levels.
(Author: Dr. Aruna Kalra, Director - Obs and Gynaecology, CK Birla Hospital Gurugram)
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