01/7A video of the artificial womb is being shared on social media

World's first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, has surprised the entire world. In simple words, this artificial womb can facilitate the growth of a fetus outside the body of the mother. In medical terms, it is called extracorporeal pregnancy.A video of the artificial womb was shared by Hashem Al-Ghaili, a Berlin based Science Communicator whose videos are massively viewed and shared on social media. "The world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, will be able to grow 30,000 babies a year. It's based on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research conducted by researchers worldwide," he has captioned the video on social media.readmore

02/7​How does this work?

​How does this work?

Powered by renewable energy, EctoLife can alleviate human suffering and reduce the chances of C-sections, Hashem Al-Ghaili says.

"EctoLife allows your baby to develop in an infection-free environment. The pods are made of materials that prevent germs from sticking to their surfaces. Every growth pod features sensors that can monitor your baby’s vital signs including heartbeat, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate and oxygen saturation. The artificial-intelligence-based system also monitors the physical features of your baby and reports any potential genetic abnormalities. The pods are equipped with a screen that displays real-time data on the developmental progress of your baby. These data are sent directly to your phone so you can track your baby's health from the comfort of your zone. The app also provides you with a high-resolution live view of your baby’s development," he adds.


03/7​"Every day, 800 women die from complications of childbirth"

​"Every day, 800 women die from complications of childbirth"

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says that on a daily basis, 800 women die due to childbirth complications.

The common complications seen in mothers following childbirth are bleeding, placental complication, amniotic fluid complication, preeclampsia

It says that one-third of pregnancy complications like severe bleeding, unsafe abortion, obstructed labor and obstetric fistula can be treated with surgery.


04/7​"Can help those countries..."

​"Can help those countries..."

Emphasizing more on the relevance of EctoLife, he says, "EctoLife is designed to help countries that are suffering from severe population decline, including Japan, Bulgaria, South Korea and many others."

With this 30,000 lab grown babies can take birth in a year.


05/7​"Will definitely be a heart-warming procedure for the new parents"

​"Will definitely be a heart-warming procedure for the new parents"

"Achieving motherhood/ parenthood is a very beautiful and emotional feeling for anybody. There has been a significant increase in the cases of infertility in both male and females. But opting only for artificial wombs (if this procedure is approved and accepted) will not solve the complication of the infertility issues, but will definitely be a heart-warming procedure for the new parents," says Dr. Mannan Gupta , Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist, Elantis Healthcare, New Delhi.


06/7​"We still have a long future to predict its acceptance in the society"

​"We still have a long future to predict its acceptance in the society"

On the acceptance of this concept in our society, Dr Gupta says, "since there is no proven clinical evidence, safety, efficacy of the procedure, in today’s time, we still have a long future to predict its acceptance in the society."

"While the recent motherhood techniques like surrogacy are just escaping the social stigma phase, with various complications ethical and legal issues associated. But yes, with the rapidly growing technology especially in this field of assisted reproductive technique (ART), the likelihood of artificial wombs to be a reality may not be too far away," Dr Gupta adds.


07/7​Why is there a rise in fertility complications in men and women these days?

​Why is there a rise in fertility complications in men and women these days?

"I would consider stress as the most important factor that has penetrated into the masses in the new Gen. Other factors include poor lifestyle and eating habits, smoking, binging on alcohol, poor & erratic sleep patterns, rising air pollution among many others," adds Dr Gupta.

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The doctor adds that, increasing age of marriage and childbirth leading to low ovarian reserve, stress alcohol and smoking leading to low sperm and egg count, infections of the uterus and ovaries leading to unsuitable reproductive system and menstrual problems and ovarian tumors also contribute to infertility these days.
