01/6​Mom calls out hypocrisy​

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In a now viral video on TikTok posted by Emily Benson, the mom of two addressed the frustrating hypocrisy of different parental expectations from mom and dad, by the society.

In the video, she said, "My husband just got home from the grocery store. He took both boys, they are one and two. 3 people stopped him to tell him what a great dad he was, for taking them to the store. Do you know how many times I've taken both of my kids to the grocery store, literally everywhere? A million. How many people have stopped me to say I am a great mom? Zero."

02/6​Other people chime in​

​Other people chime in​

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"If a dad takes his kids to McDonald’s, he’s a “fun dad”. If a mom does, she’s a “lazy mom” - double standard," an Instagram user commented on the video shared by Today.

Another added, "Love when people say the dad babysat the kids!!! It's like no he parented!! Woman parent, cook, clean, shop, work, buy bday presents etc etc. Mom's are undervalued and surely underpaid!"


03/6​Society reinforces stereotypes​

​Society reinforces stereotypes​

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"There is a stereotype that both women and men tend to reinforce, which is that women are naturally better at raising children than men," Belson told Today, adding that her husband said the comments by other people on his parenting were "nice but ridiculous."


04/6​Is childcare only mom's responsibility?​

​Is childcare only mom's responsibility?​

In many households, childcare is still considered to be the primary responsibility of the mom and the dad can ‘help’ based on his availability and bandwidth. The mother is assumed to take the responsibility of helping the kid with homework or cooking all their meals and feeding them on time, even if she is working and earning equal, less or higher than the father.

Read more: How to delay puberty in girls: Pediatrician elucidates the cause, prevention


05/6​Are expectations from dads THIS low?​

​Are expectations from dads THIS low?​

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"The person complimenting a neutral behavior such as grocery shopping is usually comparing what they see to their own personal schema of what a father looks like," Belson explains. "If one has low expectations for a father and someone exceeds that, that's when you might hear, 'Wow!'"


06/6​Take time to appreciate moms​

​Take time to appreciate moms​

It is important for society as a whole – men, women, children – to appreciate the moms for doing a good job and being a great parent. She deserves it as much as the father, and in some cases, even more!
