01/5Autism and its early warning signs

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that is noticed in kids in the growing phase. These kids find it extremely difficult to communicate and interact with others. Another major characteristic is restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests. While there is no cure for the condition, early detection and treatment can improve the lives of affected children. The signs begin as early as 12 months, but they are often minimal. Sometimes early signs of autism change over time. For parents, it is essential to look for patterns of autism in kids and start the treatment as early as possible. Here are some early signs:


02/5​Missing milestones

​Missing milestones

Babies grow quickly in the first two years. From reacting when someone calls their name to crawling and walking. There are several milestones they cover in the initial years, which have a great impact on their growth and development. There is a fixed age limit when the kids reach these milestones, and if they do not, you should point out the problem to your kid's doctor. Your child doesn't need to be missing milestones due to autism, but it is essential to contact the doctor.

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03/5​Prolonged lack of speech development

​Prolonged lack of speech development

In the first year of life, keep a close watch on your kid's social and communication development. Though your kid might not be able to frame proper sentences till they turn 3 years, even simple acts can reveal a lot. Look for signs like:

Babbling in a voice with an unusual tone

Unusual sensory sensitivities

Unusual body or hand movements

Play with toys in an unusual manner

Avoids or does not keep eye contact

Does not respond to name

Does not show facial expressions

Lack of connection with others


04/5​Repetitive behaviour

​Repetitive behaviour

Repetitive behaviour is one of the characteristics of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They are fixed to a particular activity or task and find it extremely difficult to shift their attention to different tasks. Their behaviour may include:

Arranges toys a specific manner and gets upset when order is changed

Repeats words or phrases

Plays with toys the same way every time

Has obsessive interests

Flaps hands, rocks body, or spins self in circles

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05/5​Other characteristics

​Other characteristics

Some other characteristic of kids suffering from ASD includes:

Delayed movement skills

Delayed cognitive or learning skills

Epilepsy or seizure disorder

Unusual eating and sleeping habits

Gastrointestinal issues

Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry

Lack of fear or more fear than expected
