Things you should never do before your workout

Optimize workout performance by avoiding heavy meals, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and static stretching. Emphasize dynamic stretching, hydration, digestion, energy levels, injury prevention, coordination, balance, and muscle strength for a safe and effective exercise routine.
Things you should never do before your workout
Having a healthy lifestyle not only brings physical strength but also elevates our mental health and has a positive impact on our overall well-being. One of the key steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to engage in regular physical exercise.
However, it is important to follow some healthy habits and routines like pre-exercise behaviors and choices to ensure optimum efficacy of workouts.
In order to maximize performance and minimize the risk of injury, it is crucial to be mindful of certain practices and substances to avoid before starting a workout.
To enhance physical performance and reduce the risk of injury during exercise, individuals should take several crucial measures before starting their workout. It is important to avoid heavy meals and excessive caffeine intake, steer clear of alcohol, skip static stretching, and maintain proper hydration. Additionally, achieving a focused and positive mental state is essential for optimal physical activity.
1. Avoid heavy meals
It is best to avoid any heavy meals prior to workout. Having heavy meals close to work out time can lead to sluggishness and gastrointestinal discomfort making the entire workout a less productive one and leaving you tired. It is best to eat smaller portions and balanced meals 2-3 hours before physical exercise to have the best digestion and increases energy levels.
2. Limit caffeine intake
Many believe that caffeine intake will instantly boost up energy and lead to a better performed workout. However, excessive caffeine can end up leading to jitteriness, increased heart rate and dehydration which will eventually downgrade the performance. It is better to have any caffeine ingredient in moderate amount and at least an hour before workout to have the best results.

3. Abstain from alcohol
It is best to stay away from alcohol while you are regularly engaging in physical exercises. Alcohol can impair coordination and balance in the body which can lead to any potential injury. Besides, it dehydrates the body and negatively affect the performance of workout and recovery time for the body.
4. Refrain from static stretching
A little warm up is always good for the body before starting a full workout session. However, oftentimes people engage in static stretching which in reality decreases muscle strength and performance rather than helping to strengthen the body. So, invest some time in dynamic stretching which is a more effective pre-workout routine. It warms up the muscles and prepares them for the next activities resulting in a more productive workout session.

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5. Ensure proper hydration
Our body requires adequate hydration to perform any task especially any physical activity. When you start a workout with dehydration it can lead to reduced strength, endurance and overall performance. It also increases the risk of any workout related injuries since your body is deprived of proper hydration. So, it is crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day and while working out, keep on sipping little bit of water. Once the workout is done hydrate yourself with detox water or lemon juice.
Keep these helpful tips in mind before you head out for your next workout session.
(Author: Bhavika Patel, Certified Nutritionist, Health & Lifestyle Coach)
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