Jun 29, 2024

​Explained: ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain in 10 sentences

Aakanksha Sharma

A summary

‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain was published back in 1884. And while it is read as a children's novel today, earlier it was made unavailable to children owing to its 'uncivilised hero'.


The main character

As evident from the name, the novel is centered around Huck Finn, a young boy from Missouri, who lives with his two women, widow Douglas, and Miss Watson, who are trying to teach him about religion and manners.


​An escape

Soon, Huck’s father, who is rude and wrathful, comes over to take Huck with him but starts beating him every day, because of this Huck fakes his own death to escape and be free.


​A new friend

On his way, Huck meets Jim, who also ran away from the home where he was sold as a slave. The duo then form a deep friendship and they journey together on a raft down the Mississippi River.


The plan ahead

As they camp on the island, a storm floods the river, allowing Huck and Jim to catch a raft and a house floating by, where they find a dead man and Huck later learns that there is a reward for Jim’s capture, which makes the duo flee from the spot.


​The adventure begins

Their plan to head to the free states via the Ohio River is crushed when they miss the river's mouth in a fog, and Huck, facing a moral dilemma, deceives some men who were looking for slaves like Jim.


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​The separation

Unfortunately, after evading many struggles, Huck and Jim get separated when a steamboat hits their raft, and Huck ends up with the Grangerfords. Fortunately, they reunite and continue their journey ahead.


A rescue

Through the journey, Jim and Huck rescue two con men, the Duke and the Dauphin, who join them and pull several scams, the worst being a plan to take away the inheritance of Peter Wilks by posing as his brothers.


The great con

Eventually, when the real Wilks brothers arrive, the townspeople expose the cons, but they escape and sell Jim for a reward, leading Huck to make another elaborate plan to rescue him.


Jim is stuck again

Huck eventually realises that it is Tom Sawyer’s family who has possession of Jim, and then Huck, mistaken for Tom, starts to live with them. Over there, Huck and Tom make another, very elaborate plan to free Jim.


The adventure continues

When the mission almost fails, Tom reveals that Jim has been free since Miss Watson’s death, and after Tom's Aunt Polly sets everyone straight, Huck gets to know that his father is dead and then decides to head west, rejecting any ‘civilised’ society.


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