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          Let Delhi Breathe: Sign up to save Delhi from choking

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          Let Delhi Breathe: Sign up to save Delhi from choking

          The greatest threat to us in Delhi today is the air that we are breathing. The city has been ranked as the most polluted city in the world by WHO. Dangerous Particulate Matter PM 2.5 in Delhi's air averages up to 15 times higher than the annual permissible limit! The air is very hazardous and has serious consequences for those living in the city.

          It is fast developing a reputation as an unliveable city, one in which people would rather not see their children grow up breathing the poisonous air. Many with options are understandably voting with their feet and leaving the city for a more conducive atmosphere - literally. At this rate, far from being viewed as a place of opportunity, Delhi could soon be viewed as one in which people live out of sheer economic necessity. That's not a happy position to occupy. It is high time that our administration and politicians take note of this and share an immediate action plan to combat the situation.

          To get the authorities to act, we have now launched "Let Delhi Breathe" - a campaign to fight against Delhi's pollution problem. We invite our readers to show their support towards this campaign by taking the pledge.
          We are suggesting the following in order to fight this situation :

          1) Make it mandatory for diesel cars to have Euro 5 emission standards. This includes adding a diesel particulate filter which cuts particulate matter emissions by 85 – 98%. Also, current diesel supply in have sulphur levels of 50 ppm in metros (Euro 4 norms) and 350 ppm in non-metros (Euro 3 norms). Moving to Euro 5 diesel will cut down the sulphur levels of 10 ppm. Additionally, use the huge fall in international crude oil prices to rapidly equalize the price of diesel with petrol by having the same tax levels on both petrol and diesel (currently petrol is taxed at 50% and diesel at 30%). Since diesel cars are more expensive, this will automatically encourage virtually all new car buyers to purchase petrol vehicles.

          2) Roadside dust is a huge contributor to PM 2.5. Currently, the dust is just swept to the side of the road by municipal cleaners and then stirred up by passing vehicles adding to the PM 2.5 load. Don't just use a broom to displace road dust from one place to another. Acquire an adequate fleet of mechanized vacuum cleaning vehicles that will suck out road dirt and dump it in designated pits outside the city.

          3) Currently 20% of Delhi’s land is under forest and green cover but most of Delhi’s forests are classified as open forests (i.e. 10-40% green cover per hectare of forest). Launch intensive afforestation drives in Delhi’s existing forests to make them very dense forest (>70% green cover per hectare of forest). This will bring down dust ­ - a key offender, apart from vehicular emissions, responsible for high suspended particulate matter in the Delhi air.

          4) Push for speedy completion of the Western Peripheral Expressway (currently 70% complete) and a speedy start to construction of the Eastern Peripheral Expressway. Currently 25,000 trucks pass through Delhi every night spewing diesel fumes and 2/3 of these trucks are using Delhi only as a through fare. Completion of the above bypass highways will significantly lessen the pollution load in Delhi.

          To get our authorities to take quick action on these points, we have now launched “Let Delhi Breathe” -- a campaign to fight against Delhi’s pollution problem. We invite our readers to show their support towards this campaign by taking the pledge. Once we receive 1 lakh pledges we will take this up with the authorities for speedy action.

          Join us and save Delhi from choking on its own air.

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