Ancient cities that are now underwater

​​Ancient cities that are now underwater

​​Ancient cities that are now underwater

Have you ever wondered about life underwater and the mysteries unknown to humans? There are several beautiful ancient cities known to have existed that are now submerged underwater. Today, let's explore some of these fascinating underwater cities, learn how they sank beneath the waters, and uncover their unique and informative histories.

(Image: MidJourney/AI)


Dwarka is a highly renowned ancient city in India mentioned in Hindu mythology. It is believed to have been located off the coast of Gujarat. Over time, Dwarka became submerged underwater. According to Hindu texts, Dwarka was the kingdom of Lord Krishna and holds great sacred importance in Hinduism. Archaeologists and researchers have thoroughly studied the underwater remains of Dwarka to know more about its history and significance in ancient Indian culture and mythology.

Port Royal

Port Royal

Port Royal was a popular city in Jamaica renowned for its association with pirates during the 17th century. Due to a powerful earthquake in 1692, much of Port Royal sank beneath the sea. Today, the remains of this once vibrant city are submerged underwater. Historians and archaeologists are actively studying these ruins to uncover the city's history and learn about the lives of the pirates who once inhabited there.



Heracleion was an ancient Egyptian city situated near Alexandria, known for its immense popularity and significance as a port city rich in wealth and trade. Approximately 1,200 years ago, Heracleion abruptly submerged into the Mediterranean Sea. The cause was likely due to the ground beneath it collapsing, causing buildings, streets, and temples to collapse into the water. Today, archaeologists continue to explore the ruins of Heracleion to uncover more about its history and its importance in ancient Egypt.



Neapolis, located in Tunisia, was an ancient Roman city that was submerged by a tsunami in the 4th century AD. This natural disaster caused most of the city to sink underwater. In recent years, archaeologists have conducted underwater searches and studies at the site. They have discovered streets, monuments, and beautifully preserved mosaics. These findings provide valuable insights into the city's architecture, daily lifeS, and cultural richness during Roman times.



Pavlopetri is one of the oldest submerged cities known, dating back to around 5,000 years ago. It is an ancient Greek city that now lies underwater off the coast of southern Laconia in Greece. The remains of Pavlopetri include streets, buildings, and tombs preserved underwater. Archaeologists study these ruins to understand ancient lifestyles and city planning. This underwater site provides valuable insights into ancient Greek society and its history.



Baia, located in Italy, was popularly called the "Las Vegas of the Roman Empire" due to its reputation for immense luxury. Over time, volcanic activity caused Baia to sink beneath the Bay of Naples. Today, it is an underwater archaeological park where researchers and divers explore its submerged ruins. These explorations have revealed beautiful ancient Roman villas, temples, and other structures preserved underwater. Baia's submerged remains offer a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of the elite Roman people who frequented this city.

How are these cities so well preserved?

How are these cities so well preserved?

Ancient cities that have sunk underwater are often remarkably well-preserved due to several factors. The water acts as a natural barrier, protecting these sites from the destructive forces of wind, rain, and temperature fluctuations that typically erode structures on land. Additionally, the lack of oxygen underwater slows down the decay process, preserving organic materials like wood and textiles that would otherwise decompose quickly. The sediment that settles over these submerged cities can also create a protective layer, shielding artifacts from currents and marine life. This unique environment allows archaeologists to uncover well-preserved relics, offering a fascinating glimpse into ancient civilizations.

Image: Canva

The future of current cities if water levels continue to rise

The future of current cities if water levels continue to rise

If water levels continue to rise due to climate change, the future of current cities could meet the same watery graves that the ancient ones did. Coastal cities may face severe flooding, leading to displacement of populations and loss of infrastructure. Urban areas might need to invest heavily in flood defenses, such as sea walls and levees, to protect against rising tides. Additionally, there could be significant economic impacts, with industries and services located in vulnerable areas being disrupted. The increased frequency of extreme weather events could also strain resources and emergency services. Adaptation and resilience planning will be crucial to mitigate these challenges and ensure the sustainability of urban living in the face of rising water levels.

Image: Canva