7 key strategies to clear UPSC Mains in first attempt

Deepto Banerjee

Jul 2, 2024

UPSC Civil Services Prelims result out

Results for the Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2024 were released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on July 1. On the commission's website, upsc.gov.in, the results have been made public. The UPSC Mains 2024 exam is now open to candidates who met the qualifying requirements.

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Strategic Optional Subject Choice

Don't just pick the flavour of the month. Consider your genuine interest, overlap with General Studies (GS) for efficient prep, and availability of good quality resources and guidance.

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Answer Writing

Go beyond regurgitating facts. Focus on building a logical structure, incorporating relevant examples and case studies, and using clear, concise language with a bureaucratic touch. Practice answer writing for different question formats - analytical, problem-solving, essay type.

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Current Affairs Integration

Don't treat current affairs as a separate entity. Look for ways to seamlessly integrate recent developments into your answers across GS papers. This demonstrates analytical ability and in-depth understanding.

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Adding visual elements

For papers with a geographical component, like Geography or Essay papers touching on environmental issues, mastering map-based presentations can set you apart. Show locations, trends, or impacts visually.

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Adding quotes

Don't just quote randomly. Choose credible sources that resonate with the examiner and support your arguments. Ensure proper referencing format (footnotes preferred).

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Time Management expertise

Practice writing within the stipulated time for each question. Develop a time allocation strategy considering the weightage of each question. Leave enough time for revision and a quick review before submitting.

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Mock Test Mastery

Don't underestimate the power of well-designed mock tests. Analyse your performance rigorously, identify recurring weaknesses, and use them to fine-tune your approach. Discuss these tests with mentors or peers for a well-rounded perspective.

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Manifest positivity

The UPSC journey can be stressful. Cultivate a PMA to stay focused and motivated throughout. Practice mindfulness techniques, engage in activities you enjoy, and surround yourself with supportive people. Remember, toppers are not superhuman, they just mastered the art of consistent effort with a positive outlook.

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