Morning Must Reads: August 5

3 minute read

An unforced error by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Tuesday opened up a new line of attack for Democrats that could substantially damage his White House chances should he become the GOP nominee. “I’m not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women’s health issues,” Bush said as a parenthetical to an answer about funding for Planned Parenthood at a conference of Southern Baptists. After about an hour, Bush’s campaign released a statement clarifying his remarks to reporters, and then another quoting the candidate saying “I misspoke,” an indicator of how damaging the remark could be. Hillary Clinton and other Democrats were quick to pounce, pointing out that $500 million works out to about $3 for every woman in the country. The remark also drew head-shaking from Republicans, who saw their establishment front-runner make an amateur mistake. Republicans have long tried to distinguish between funding for the controversial organization while supporting other organizations that provide for women’s’ health and his comments could go a ways toward undoing that—not to mention harm GOP efforts to win over women in 2016.

President Obama will deliver remarks in Washington today as he steps up his public engagement around the Iran nuclear deal. His speech comes a day after House Republicans introduced a resolution of disapproval for the agreement that they will vote on in September.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Hillary Clinton Criticizes Jeb Bush Remarks on Women’s Health
Jeb misspeaks and Democrats pounce [TIME]

Defense Contractors Spend Millions to Overturn Limits on Military Spending
But so far have little to show for it [Center for Public Integrity]

FBI Looking Into the Security of Hillary Clinton’s Private E-Mail Setup
Investigating the security of newly classified information found among her emails [Washington Post]

Friends of Joe Biden Worry a Run for President Could Bruise His Legacy
He won’t make a decision until September—at earliest [New York Times]

How the Obama White House Runs Foreign Policy
Short-circuiting agencies, the National Security Council plays an outsized role [Washington Post]

Sound Off

“I’m a Catholic, but I’ve used birth control—and not just the rhythm method, okay?” — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at an event in New Hampshire on Tuesday

“Jeb Bush said he is not sure we need half a billion dollars for women’s health issues. Now, he has got no problem giving billions of dollars away to super wealthy and powerful corporations, but I guess women’s health just isn’t a priority for him.” — Hillary Clinton in Colorado Tuesday evening responding to Bush’s comments

Bits and Bites

Fox News Sets Republican Debate Roster [TIME]

Republican Bosses Show Muscle at Bloodless Presidential Forum in New Hampshire [TIME]

VP Joe Biden’s Sister: ‘He’ll Decide When He Decides’ [Delaware News Journal]

How Jeb Bush Spent His Years on Wall Street [Wall Street Journal]

For Iran Vote, Obama Seeks GOP Ally [Politico]

Chelsea Clinton Steps Into the Spotlight — On Her Own Terms [Washington Post]



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