Morning Must Reads: June 30

4 minute read

Today marks the official deadline for the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna, but the U.S. government is operating with July 9 as it’s de facto deadline. That’s the date by which American officials must submit the legislation to Congress to allow lawmakers 30 days to consider the deal, should there be one, before their August recess. If they fail to meet that deadline, Congress would have more time to consider the deal, and critics would have more time to drum up opposition to an agreement. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is announcing for president Tuesday by reaching back to his “Glory Days” as a high school student, and to his pre-Bridgegate swagger. Christie will need both in order to mount an unlikely comeback bid for the GOP nomination. The 2013 race to elect Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe was more than just the previous employer of Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook—it served as a key test-bed for the strategies he’s employing to try to elect the former Secretary of State next year. President Obama announced in an op-ed that he will take action this week to increase overtime pay for many hourly workers. Reality television star and president candidate Donald Trump‘s war of words with Univision and NBC help all parties in the high-profile spat. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will release 33 years of tax returns this afternoon. And today is a crucial fundraising deadline for presidential contenders, marking the last day for donations in the second quarter. The first results, serving as an important barometer for candidate viability will start to trickle in as soon as this week, and all must be filed by July 15.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Chris Christie Highlights Glory Days at Campaign Launch
The outspoken New Jersey governor’s path forward requires reclaiming his past [TIME]

What Hillary Clinton Learned From This 2013 Campaign
The 2013 election of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe laid the groundwork for the 2016 presidential campaign [TIME]

Both Sides Won When Donald Trump Was Fired
TIME’s Philip Elliott reports on the mutually-beneficial spat between the reality television star-turned-candidate and the networks that cut ties with him

U.S. Tells Iran That Preliminary Nuclear Deal Must Stand
Talks continue as deadline nears [New York Times]

Lack of Clear Front-Runner in Huge 2016 Field Highlights Fractures Within GOP
Why not run for president? [Los Angeles Times]

Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Limits on Power Plants
A setback for the White House at the high court [New York Times]

Sound Off

“I’ve gotten good at this…This is so much fun, we should do it again.” — President Obama Monday when signing a pair of bills, including the controversial Trade Promotion Authority legislation

“The symbols that have divided the South in many ways, the symbols that were used in most recent modern history, perhaps not at the beginning of the time, but the symbols were racist.” — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the Confederate flag, reflecting the altered political landscape surrounding its flying

Bits and Bites

Obama announces overtime pay hike in op-ed [Huffington Post]

Jeb Bush to release 33 years of tax returns [Fox News]

Joe Klein: Barack Obama’s defining moment [TIME]

Hillary Clinton faces a more liberal Democratic fund-raising landscape [New York Times]

Supreme Court temporarily blocks Texas abortion restrictions [Wall Street Journal]

White House on Greece: Not our problem [Politico]

U.S. government web portal shut down over security concerns [Wall Street Journal]

Union sues personnel office over hack of employees’ information [Washington Post]

Heavy hitters raising cash for Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley [Boston Globe]

Does Kerry want an Iran deal too much? [Politico]

Benghazi emails put focus on Hillary Clinton’s encouragement of adviser [New York Times]


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