The Great Space Twins Study Begins

6 minute read

When serendipity hands scientists the perfect experiment, they don’t hesitate to jump on it. That’s surely the case with NASA’s improbable study of Scott Kelly, who has just completed the first month of a one-year stay aboard the International Space Station, and his identical twin brother Mark, who will spend the same year on Earth.

Zero-gravity messes with the human body in all manner of ways but it’s not always easy to determine which problems are actually caused by the weightlessness and which would have happened anyway. The puzzle gets a lot easier if you just happen to have a second subject with exactly the same genes, the same lifestyle and the same level of fitness. Observe any differences in their health over the year, subtract the matching genetics and what’s left over on the other side of the equal sign is likely the work of weightlessness. Much of the research that will investigate these differences in the Kellys is already underway, both in space and on the ground.

One of the most important studies involves what are known as telomeres, the cuffs that protect the tips of chromosomes in much the way a plastic aglet protects the tips of shoelaces. The longer we live, the shorter our telomeres get, and the unraveling of the chromosomes that results drives the infirmities that come with age.

“One of the things that comes up almost all the time in the interviews with Mark and Scott is this idea of the twin paradox,” says Susan Bailey, of Colorado State University, who is coordinating the telomere research. “Is the space twin going to come back younger than the Earth twin?” That kind of time dilation happens in movies like Interstellar, but only when someone is moving at close to light speed. The year Scott will spend orbiting Earth at 17,500 mph (28,000 k/h), may indeed slow his body clock, but by barely a few milliseconds. His telomeres, however, will more than make up for that, and he’ll likely come home physically older than Mark.

“A whole variety of life stresses have been associated with accelerated telomere loss as we age,” says Bailey. “You can imagine strapping yourself to a rocket and living in space for a year is a very stressful event.”

Chromosomal samples from both Kelly twins were taken and banked before Scott left to provide a telomere baseline, and more samples will be collected over the year. Mark’s are easy enough to get ahold of, but Scott will have to draw his own blood in space, spin it down and freeze it, then send it home aboard returning ships carrying cargo or astronauts. Both twins will also be followed for two years after Scott comes back to determine if any space-related telomere loss slows and if the brothers move closer to synchrony again.

The twins’ blood samples will also be used to look for the state of their epigenomes, the chemical on-off switches that sit atop the genome and regulate which genes are expressed and which are silenced. Environment is a huge driver in epigenetic changes, especially in space, as cells adjust to the unfamiliar state of weightlessness. “We can kind of build these molecular maps of what’s happening in the different cells…as they’re challenged by this low gravity condition,” says geneticist Chris Mason of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City, who is leading this part of the work.

Also due for a good close look are Scott’s and Mark’s microbiomes. The number of cells that make up your body are actually outnumbered 10 to one by the bacteria, viruses, yeasts and molds that live in your body. It’s only the fact that most of them are also much smaller than human cells that prevents them from outweighing you 10 to one as well. Still, if you could extract them all and hold them in your hand they’d make a hot bolus of alien organisms weighing up to 5 pounds.

This is actually a good thing, since we need this interior ecosystem to keep our bodies—especially our digestive tract—running smoothly. Like so much else for Scott, that will change in space. “A significant part of what’s present normally in the gastrointestinal tract doesn’t actually colonize,” says research professor Martha Vitaterna of Northwestern University, co-investigator on the microbiome work. “These are things that are constantly being reintroduced with fresh fruits and vegetables, and that’s missing from Scott’s diet.”

Genes can also make a difference to the microbiome, since any individual’s genetic make-up may determine which microorganisms thrive in the gut and which don’t. Scott’s and Mark’s microbiomes will be compared throughout the year, principally through stool samples—ensuring some unglamorous if scientifically essential shipments coming down from space.

Other studies will involve the way body fluids shift in zero-g, drifting upwards to the head and elsewhere since there is no gravity pulling them down. This can damage vision as a result of pressure on the eyeballs and optic nerve. It can also lead to damage to the cardiovascular system, with astronauts returning to Earth at increased risk of atherosclerosis.

Some of these changes can be tracked by blood studies, which will look for proteins that regulate water excretion. Ultrasound scans can also look for vascular damage. Before leaving Earth, Scott had a few small dots tattooed on his upper body to indicate the exact points at which he has to position the ultrasound probe—easier than taking precise measurements to find the proper spots every time he’s due for a scan.

Multiple other studies will be conducted on the twins as well, looking at their immune systems, sleep cycles, psychological states and more. For years, space planners have been talking a good game about going to Mars one day, but those trips will last more than two years. We know the hardware can survive the trip; what we don’t know is if the human cargo can. A year from now—thanks to the Kellys—we’ll be a lot smarter.

TIME is covering Kelly’s mission in the new series, A Year In Space. Watch the trailer here.

See Scott Kelly's First 30 Days in Space

Good guesses on my 1st #SpaceGeo pic! I'll announce the winner Friday. Do you know your geo?
Scott Kelly has posted a photo almost every day since arriving at the ISS. Here, see a selection from his first 30 days in space. (Via Twitter on April 23, 2015)Scott Kelly—NASA
Was asked what I write down on this small kneeboard. Mostly hardware serial numbers and #ISS locations. #YearInSpace
"Was asked what I write down on this small kneeboard. Mostly hardware serial numbers and #ISS locations. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 28, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
I wonder what they do here. #NorthAfrica #YearInSpace
"I wonder what they do here. #NorthAfrica #YearInSpace" - via Twitter April 27, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Looks serene from @Space_Station, but my thoughts are still with the people affected by the #NepalEarthquake.
"Looks serene from @Space_Station, but my thoughts are still with the people affected by the #NepalEarthquake." - via Twitter on April 26, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#Movie night in micro #Gravity aboard #ISS on our new HD projector which we use for conferences, tech software, etc..
"#Movie night in micro #Gravity aboard #ISS on our new HD projector which we use for conferences, tech software, etc.." - via Twitter on April 25, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
My #bedroom aboard #ISS. All the comforts of #home. Well, most of them. #YearInSpace
"My #bedroom aboard #ISS. All the comforts of #home. Well, most of them. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 24, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#EarthObservations Window on the world. Studying our planet from the cupola on @space_station #NoPlaceLikeHome
"#EarthObservations Window on the world. Studying our planet from the cupola on @space_station #NoPlaceLikeHome" - via Twitter on April 22, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Blown away by a dust swept #RedSea. Good morning from the @space_station!  #YearInSpace.
"Blown away by a dust swept #RedSea. Good morning from the @space_station! #YearInSpace." - via Twitter on April 21, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#Calcutta area shimmers in the sunlight. #YearInSpace
"#Calcutta area shimmers in the sunlight. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 20, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Africa. I wonder what these desert sands look like up close?#YearInSpace
"Africa. I wonder what these desert sands look like up close?#YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 19, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Working on #ISS research today & how micro gravity impacts aging and muscles of the C Elegan roundworm. #YearInSpace
"Working on #ISS research today & how micro gravity impacts aging and muscles of the C Elegan roundworm. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 18, 2015NASA
Great job @AstroSamantha and @AstroTerry capturing #SpaceX Dragon this morning! #YearInSpace
"Great job @AstroSamantha and @AstroTerry capturing #SpaceX Dragon this morning! #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 17, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
The varied colors of #Madagascar. #YearInSpace
"The varied colors of #Madagascar. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 16, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Sometimes the #world seems to shimmer. #YearInSpace
"Sometimes the #world seems to shimmer. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 15, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Congrats @SpaceX and @NASA team on a successful launch! Watched with my crewmates aboard #ISS. #YearInSpace
"Congrats @SpaceX and @NASA team on a successful launch! Watched with my crewmates aboard #ISS. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 14, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
This #butterfly caught my eye while flying high above the #gulfofmexico. #YearInSpace
"This #butterfly caught my eye while flying high above the #gulfofmexico. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 13, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Not sure what is going on on this beach in #Mexico but it's a striking image. #YearInSpace
"Not sure what is going on on this beach in #Mexico but it's a striking image. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 12, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#Earth is breathtaking. #YearInSpace
"#Earth is breathtaking. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 11, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Hopefully this is pollen or algae and not something man made. #YearInSpace
"Hopefully this is pollen or algae and not something man made. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 10, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Madagascar drains its red mud into the Indian Ocean. #YearInSpace
"Madagascar drains its red mud into the Indian Ocean. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 9, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Looks messy, but it's functional. Our #food table on the @space station. What's for breakfast? #YearInSpace
"Looks messy, but it's functional. Our #food table on the @space station. What's for breakfast? #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 8, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#Patagonia never disappoints. #YearInSpace
"#Patagonia never disappoints. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 7, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
#Australia. You are very beautiful. Thanks for being there to brighten our day. #YearInSpace
"#Australia. You are very beautiful. Thanks for being there to brighten our day. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 6, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Good morning Southern #Florida from the #ISS. #YearInSpace
"Good morning Southern #Florida from the #ISS. #YearInSpace" - via Twitter on April 5, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
Enjoying Saturday evening dinner with @AstroTerry on the #ISS
"Enjoying Saturday evening dinner with @AstroTerry on the #ISS" - via Twitter on April 4, 2015NASA
#FlashbackFriday Got my 1st EMT training at 16. Emergency medical training on #ISS keeps me 35 years proficient.
"#FlashbackFriday Got my 1st EMT training at 16. Emergency medical training on #ISS keeps me 35 years proficient." - via Twitter on April 3, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA
.@FLOTUS Thank you. Made it! Moving into crew quarters on @space_station to begin my #yearinspace.
".@FLOTUS Thank you. Made it! Moving into crew quarters on @space_station to begin my #yearinspace." - via Twitter on March 30, 2015Scott Kelly—NASA

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