
What are Classifieds?

Classifieds are small, simple ads that are organized by a category or “classification.” These classifications range from yard sales to real estate. Ads can be boxed or may appear as a larger display ad. To view current classifieds click HERE.


Liners – $6 for the first 15 words and 25 cents each additional word. Price is for each week of publication.

Boxed Ads – $12 per column inch. Price is for each week of publication.

Class Display – $39 per month for a single or $78 for a double wide ad.

How to Submit

Classifieds should be mailed to [email protected]. The email should include an attachment of any artwork for display ads (i.e. company logos) and a copy of the text you wish to publish in the Classifieds section. All formats, with the exception of Microsoft Publisher (.pub) documents, will be accepted. For questions, please call our front office at (559) 592-3171. Customer service hours are noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (except on holidays). You can reach us by phone or email from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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