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2022: Washington D.C.

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C., 2021: Virtual
Change to SPJ Delegate System Fails

The changes would have established the membership as the legislative body and members would be able to ratify any proposed changes to the bylaws.

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Reporter speaks on combating journalistic repression

Whether it is due to restrictive reporting laws abroad, publications based in news deserts or lack of funding, press freedoms are now threatened in more ways than one.  Jessica Jerreat knows this first-hand.  Working as a press freedom editor for Voices of America [VOA], Jerreat shed light on the realities of censorship and attacks that can happen to reporters covering stories around the world.

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
How to Avoid Jerks on Twitter as a Journalist

  1.1 million “abusive or problematic” tweets were sent to women in 2017.  Two female journalists refer to Twitter as a “hotbed of harassment.” After years of being journalists and being interactive with their followers through their social media accounts they insinuated that using the app is a skill that took them effort and time to master.

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C., 2021: Virtual
Deserting the Printed Past: Why College Publications Need to Adapt

The way students on college campuses consume media is changing – leading college publications to ask the question: how can we keep the audience engaged? This panel of university-based journalists came to argue that the problem is in the print.  “Things have changed, and we need to change also,” said panelist David Simpson of Georgia Southern University.

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.

"It really inspired me to see women who are Black like myself working in the media. It showed me I can do this too...”

October 29th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Journalists Should Think like Lawyers (Sometimes)

 “I just think that if its a public record by law then it should be that police department has to put in a request to keep things away from the public record instead of us having to request to get the information.”

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Defending Democracy

The clear attack on democracy should have been the main focus instead of involving political parties in the initial reporting.

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Localizing Climate Change Reporting

The public’s trust in local journalists is exactly why they need to start reporting on climate change if there’s any hope of people taking it seriously.

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
The Filmed Blue Line: Teaching journalists about requesting police footage

The power of dash and body cam footage is undeniable.  Joy Ramsingh, an attorney at Ramsingh Legal, spoke at MediaFest22 as a panelist teaching journalists how these record requests differ from others. She also gave practical tools to handle the requests.

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
‘We need to show up’: Journalists Woodward and Bernstein talk 50th anniversary of Watergate, reporting techniques and Trump in MediaFest keynote presentation 

“We need to show up … We are not showing up enough..”

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
AP Style Stays Current by Seeking Inclusivity

Not only does The Associated Press update basic rules of grammar and punctuation but it also assists journalists in remaining inclusive in their reporting. These updates reflect the inevitable changes of human society. Claire Regan’s “AP Style Smackdown” explained how the style guide better helps journalists to keep up with the three rules Regan shared in her panel: accuracy, consistency and sensitivity. 

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Restoring Public Trust in News

"Americans say they don't have any reasonable trust in news..."

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C., 2021: Virtual
‘Safety starts with a conversation’: Learning how to be proactive when reporting in the field

After years working as a first responder, Chris Post has taken on the role of “second first responder” in his job as a photojournalist at the Associated Press.  Post, executive director and safety advisor of the International Media Support Group, calls journalists “second first responders” in society. 

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C., 2021: Virtual
How to elevate your college sports reporting one public record at a time

“If the media relations person stonewalls you and says don’t report on this, then write about it...”

October 28th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
How to make your resume stand out to recruiters

“I want to know that you can tell me a great story, and I want to know you can do it in a minute thirty or less...”

October 27th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Accessibility of the Infographic: Panel Discusses Ways They Kept Readers Engaged

The entirely scrollable format gives people the ability to experience the most out of the infographic with the least amount of effort.

October 27th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Uncover and Enhance Your News Stories with Census Bureau Data

Collectively ACS data helps to determine $675 billion of federal government spending per year.

October 27th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Up in the Air: Using Drones to Cover News

Innovative and aerial journalism is creating a new perspective in media. National experts Greg Agvent and Charles D. Tobin led a panel on using drones to report news stories at MediaFest22. The pair discussed rules and permitting requirements around drone use, how to become trained in the use of drones, legal implications of using drone footage, and the progression of drone usage.

October 27th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
How to Restore Public Trust in the News

A diverse team of three journalists gathered to discuss the growing epidemic of distrust in news media. They suggested multiple ways we can regain public trust. In an age where information is being thrown at us from all angles, disinformation is becoming the norm.

October 27th, 2022 • 2022: Washington D.C.
Nonprofit says their data tool could save local journalism

Journalists can now examine data in a new way with the help of a tool from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Crosstown is a non-profit news organization that uses a data processing tool to offer news on a hyper-local level.