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New Horizons Flyby of Ultima Thule (KBO 2014 MU69)

After the successful flyby of Pluto on July 14th 2015, the interplanetary probe New Horizons is continuing it's mission targeting 2014 MU 69, nickamed Ultima Thule, a remote trans-neptunian Kuiper Belt Object.

NASA lastly adjusted New Horizons trajectory on December 9th 2017 and, according to the current schedule, the flyby of this far and mysterious object will happen at 5:33AM on January 1st 2019 (Universal Time). After few months of hibernation the spacecradt was finally waken up on Jun 4th 2018 and it's getting ready for the scientific operations on Ultima Thule. Below is a picture showing New Horizons 2018 operations timeline (credits NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI), according to which the first images of 2014 MU69 should be taken by New Horizons during the first week of September.

Here are the latest relevant data, updated in real time about New Horizons' approach to 2014 MU69:

2028d 13h 31m 24s
2144d 19h 4m 24s
16.9699 AU (2,538,657,227 Km)
14.61 Km/s
Current view of the position of New Horizos and KBO 2014 MU69 (Ultima Thule)

Additional information available on New Horizons and 2014 MU69: