Reviews, WordPress Plugins
27 mins read

10 Best WordPress Live Chat Plugins Compared for 2024

I spent an entire weekend installing and testing close to 20 different live chat plugins on a WordPress test site to figure out which ones are currently the best on the market. After using each one and comparing their features and pricing, I finally managed to distill it down to the 10 options you see here. They are presented in no particular order, but rest assured that they are all excellent in their own way. It just depends on why you need a live chat plugin and what features you’re looking to get out of it.

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How We Created Hyve, an AI Chatbot for WordPress – First Version Now Free

For the past few months, we’ve been experimenting with AI to create innovative tools for WordPress. One of our recent projects, QuickWP, an AI-powered WordPress site builder, was one such project. Building on the things that we learned while making QuickWP, we are excited to introduce something totally new, but related! In this post, I want to tell you all about Hyve, an AI chatbot for WordPress. Hyve leverages your WordPress content to respond to user inquiries intelligently, providing accurate and context-aware answers directly from your site’s existing materials.

How to Create a Website Free of Cost in 2024: Beginner’s Guide

How to create a website free of cost? Well, it’s easier than you think! If you don’t have the money to pay for a website right now, don’t worry. There really are some viable ways to start a website for free and then even have it hosted online publicly. In this article, I’ll show you three distinct ways how to start a website for free. I divided them based on your expectations regarding your site, how comfortable you feel with various online tools, and how deep under the hood you want to get when it comes to customizing your site.

10 Best Hosting Resellers in 2024 (Insanely Good Deals)

Web hosting is projected to reach $159.90 billion USD in revenue by the end of 2024 1. If you want to get a slice of that multi-billion dollar pie for yourself, then getting into the hosting resale business can be a smart move. You can pitch it as an add-on to your existing services, or you could become your own stand-alone hosting company. However, finding the best hosting resellers requires some diligent research.

How to Add Custom JavaScript to WordPress (5 Methods + Tips)

In the past, if you wanted to add custom JavaScript to WordPress posts, you had to either be familiar with code or you had to rely on a plugin. Unfortunately, neither of those solutions were ideal for the vast majority of WordPress users. The first one had a high barrier to entry and was risky if you didn’t know what you were doing, and the second one was very limited in what it allowed you to do.

How to Make Images Larger Without Losing Quality: Real Tests!

You may want to enlarge an image for a print-quality poster, or perhaps you’re looking to enlarge and enhance a blurry old image of your family. Thankfully, there are specialized tools that help you easily enlarge and enhance images without the pixelation issues you’d normally get if you tried to increase an image’s dimensions using a conventional editing tool.