Welcome to The Black Wall Street Times! We are excited to receive your submissions and appreciate your interest in contributing to our publication. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please review our submissions policy below:

General Guidelines

  1. Content Focus: We welcome articles that align with our mission to inform, inspire, and empower the African American community. Topics may include, but are not limited to, social justice, Black culture, historical perspectives, politics, education, health, entrepreneurship, and community events.
  2. Originality: All submissions must be original works that have not been previously published elsewhere. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and submissions will be checked for originality.
  3. Length: Articles should be between 600 to 1,200 words. Exceptions can be made for in-depth features or special reports, which should be discussed with our editorial team prior to submission.
  4. Format: Submissions should be in Google Doc format, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font. Include your name, email address, and a brief bio (2-3 sentences) at the top of the document.
  5. Language: All submissions must be in English and use inclusive language. Avoid jargon, technical terms, and acronyms that are not widely understood without proper explanation.

Submission Process

  1. How to Submit: Email your completed article to nehemiah@bwstimes.com with the subject line “Submission: [Your Article Title]”.
  2. Bio & Headshot: 
    • Include a short bio of yourself (2 to 3 sentences)
    • Headshot (a professional headshot is preferred but isn’t necessary)
  3. Response Time: We aim to respond to all submissions within 3 to 7 days. If you have not heard from us within this timeframe, feel free to follow up with a polite email inquiry.

Editorial Process

  1. Review: All submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team. We reserve the right to accept or reject any submission at our discretion.
  2. Revisions: If your article is accepted, our editors may suggest revisions to improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality. We encourage open communication during this process to ensure the final piece meets our standards and your expectations.
  3. Publication: Once revisions are complete and approved, your article will be scheduled for publication. You will be notified of the expected publication date and provided with a link to your article once it is live.

Rights and Compensation

  1. Copyright: By submitting your article, you grant The Black Wall Street Times the non-exclusive right to publish your work on our website and associated platforms. You retain full copyright of your work and may republish it elsewhere after it has appeared in our publication.
  2. Compensation: At this time, we do not offer monetary compensation for opinion pieces or press release write-ups. However, contributors will receive full byline credit, and their work will be promoted across our social media channels and other promotional avenues.

Additional Information

  • Multimedia: If you have relevant images, videos, or other multimedia elements to accompany your article, please include them as separate attachments in your submission email. Ensure that you have the necessary rights or permissions to use these materials.
  • Ethics: We adhere to high ethical standards and expect the same from our contributors. All submissions should be truthful, respectful, and free of libelous or defamatory content.

Thank you for considering The Black Wall Street Times as a platform for your work. We look forward to reading your submissions and sharing important stories with our readers.

For any questions or further information, please contact the editor-in-chief at nehemiah@bwstimes.com


The Editorial Team, The Black Wall Street Times