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7 ways to wear your favorite pair of yoga pants

Oh, glorious yoga pants. How we worship your inventor. Thank goodness someone was sick of doing the “jeans dance” and decided enough is enough. Your yoga pants are probably one of your best friends. You have five of the same exact pair because they are so comfortable.

But how do you wear them all of the time without looking like you ask people riddles to cross a bridge? If you know only a few tricks on how to properly style your yoga pants, you’ll never have to worry about jumping around to get a pair of jeans to get over your hips. Let’s look at how to wear yoga pants any other way than as bedtime pajamas.

Wear for yoga

So simple, we know, but let’s start at the beginning. You should always wear yoga pants when you go do yoga. There is nothing more distracting than trying to do tree pose with baggy sweatpants that catch your foot.

Plus, yoga pants and yoga tops help keep everything in and tight while you are working on your core strength. You get to wear fun patterns and

styles of yoga pants

and show off your newest pair.

Woman doing yoga while reading
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The classic gym day look

The first way is to wear them in their most natural state. Your favorite tennis shoes, a tank top or matching sports bra, and you are ready for a workout. If it’s colder outside, throw on any sweatshirt that’s clean. They were originally intended to workout, so wear them that way.

Make sure you try on before you buy. Every brand (and there are dozens of them) has a different fit for their yoga pants. You don’t want them saggy and rolling down, and you don’t want them too tight and digging into your lumps. You want the Goldilocks right kind of fit.

The casual look

If you are going to be out and about running errands, might as well be comfortable. You’ll be doing more walking than anything anyway, so it’s like a workout. Throw on a cute tee and a fun jacket with your yoga pants and tennis shoes for a look that won’t scream that you just worked out. When you probably didn’t, that’s okay.

If it’s colder out, an adorable

oversized sweater

can still do the trick. A more casual shoe, like a flat slip-on sneaker would do. It won’t even matter if your hair is in a third-day braid, you’ll still look like you showered sometime this week.

Going out somewhere where you might see people you know

If you are going out with friends or getting dinner with a friend or your partner but it’s not dressy, you can layer up your yoga pants for a look that says someone is allowed to speak to you if they bump into you.

Take your yoga pants and throw on a cute fashion top, then layer a jacket or

oversized blanket scarf

over that. Or do a long tunic top and oversized cardi. Depending on the weather, you can do a low boot or a flat sandal. Make sure they are full yoga pants, though — don’t wear capris for this kind of look.

Take it up a notch

Now if you are going out out, like out, then you can still make this happen without putting on jeans. If you wear a cute enough top that covers your butt and some really adorable footwear, no one will look closely enough to see that you are still in yoga pants.

A higher boot, like a knee high or over the knee would work perfectly. It’s stylish but also will cover up the majority of visible yoga pants. A long sweater or fashion top will cover your butt and still look stylish. Then, you have to accessorize. A cute bracelet or necklace will be the finishing touch and let others know that you planned this outfit.

A hangover situation

Did your best friend call you the day after the awesome night out and suggest brunch? Do you not want to change out of your yoga pants? No problem. You can attempt to fix your hair and face at least. As long as you don’t throw on flip-flops or tennis shoes, any footwear will be okay. Again, cover your booty with a longer sweatshirt or sweater. You probably don’t want to be too layered up, since being too hot in that condition won’t do anyone any favors.

Two couples playing badminton
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To birthday parties, family get-togethers, and more

Worried about what to wear to the fifth kid’s birthday party this month? Sick of sticky fingers getting all over your favorite slacks? Well, then put on your fun patterned yoga pants. It’s casual enough that you can run around with the kids or feel comfortable sitting with your family, but you can still style it up. If you wear a bright color or bold print, then keep the top simple and neutral.

Then, you won’t mind if grubby hands grab your leg for another snack. You and your cousins can have an impromptu dance party at the family reunion, and you won’t have to worry about splitting your jeans.

Go ahead, throw those yoga pants on, and keep your comfort going all day long. There’s no choosing fashion over function with yoga pants — you get the best of both worlds. Now that you know what to wear with yoga pants, your imagination is your limit. Please remember though, cover your butt if you aren’t at the gym. You don’t want all of Target knowing what color underwear you have on. If you’re interested in more, make sure to check our list of the best yoga towels.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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Your financial situation is one that is considered in nearly every decision you make, which is why it's difficult to not think about it. Buying groceries, planning a vacation, paying your mortgage, student loans, buying new clothes -- all of these decisions require that you think about how much (or little) money you have.

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Keep up with your New Year’s resolutions — try these weight loss workouts
woman exercising stairs

If losing weight or getting in shape is on your list of New Year's resolutions this year, the good news is that there are tons of at-home options to help you do so. With many gyms still closed because of the pandemic, finding fun ways to workout by yourself or with a partner is key.

Depending on your fitness level, there are also a ton of low-, medium-, and expert-level workouts that experts say are the best workouts to lose weight. Many require minimal equipment and can be done indoors or out, depending on the weather where you live. Not only does working out help you lose extra pounds you want to get rid of, but there are also added benefits like improved mood, stronger bones, and a lower risk of many chronic diseases.
Start walking
If you're just getting started on the workout train, walking can be a fast and effective way to lose weight. It’s one of the most convenient, easiest, and cheapest forms of exercise for beginners to engage in without feeling overwhelmed. It's also lower-impact, so it won't put added pressure on your joints. According to Harvard Health, a 155-pound person burns around 167 calories per 30 minutes of walking at a moderate pace of 4 mph. Aim for three times a week and progress from there.
Work up to a jog
Once you feel you've worked up your cardio fitness level, try jogging. Both jogging and running are great forms of exercise that can be done anywhere. To get started, aim to jog for 20 to 30 minutes three to four times per week and slowly increase your pace. It won't take long before you notice a difference in your cardio and your waistline.

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6 exercises that will get rid of your love handles fast
White male squeezing his side

If you are anything like the many readers out there who struggle to tone those pesky muscles -- sometimes referred to as love handles -- then you’re surely familiar with the amount of work needed when it’s time to whip them into shape. Now don't run straight to cardio fat burning exercises even if these burn calories quickly - there are exercises that focus on these muscles exclusively. The oblique muscles -- which make up the area that we call “love handles” -- require specialized and targeted exercises to reduce the amount of fat stored on top of them. While not impossible to do, working these muscles cuts down on the “pooch” that can sometimes sit on top of our waistbands.  
Think of your obliques and abs as college roommates that are forced to get along. They live right next door to each other, and they usually cannot work without one another.
Targeted oblique muscle exercises build force that burns through fat and slims you down. When engaged, obliques aid in your torso’s rotation from side to side. The obliques are actually made up of internal and external muscles. They work together to help your body twist and rotate, stabilizing your core and strengthening your back. By exercising these muscles regularly, not only will you smooth out your sides, but you’ll also be laying the foundation for a stronger mid to upper body and reducing lower back pain. 

Obliques and abs are BFFs 
Think of your obliques and abs as college roommates that are forced to get along. They live right next door to each other, and they usually cannot work without one another. When you work your obliques, your abs also receive some exercise and vice versa. And who doesn't enjoy stronger and smoother abs as a byproduct of oblique work? It’s kind of like getting two for the price of one, right? Thanks to the help of DailyBurn 365’s trainer CeCe Marizu, the following exercises have been given detailed instructions for us eager exercisers to follow in the hopes of hauling in our growing “handles.” 
Side plank with reach-through 
To do this one, you will start by lying down on your side with your bottom elbow touching the ground. Raise your hips off the ground to form your body into a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Extend your top arm up so that it’s  perpendicular to the ground.  

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