Review Policy

Sadly, I no longer review books — I simply don’t have time. But I do like getting “ticklers” about new stuff as it comes out (or older stuff I might not have encountered). So, if you’d like to call a piece of speculative fiction (fantasy, sci-fi, etc.) to my attention, go ahead and tickle me: use the form below to send me the URL to the book’s Amazon page. I’m interested in nonfiction as well, but generally only in the areas of science and politics.

Please keep in mind that this isn’t a formal book-review request. You won’t hear back from me. It’s just a way of calling something to my attention.

If you’d like to see what I’ve been reading lately, check out the reading bar in my signature over on KBoards!

Tickle Me


19 thoughts on “Review Policy

    • I call them word-balls. Unfortunately the meta data for my printed books suffers from the same malady. I talked to my printer, LightningSource, and they say give us the custom HTML if you want formatted meta data. I do, but book resellers accessing the Ingram catalog still publish word-balls describing the book. My only defense, one paragraph meta data :-(

  1. Wow. My synopsis was crammed together, without formatting. It will be tough to read! I’m sure you dread reading stories the size of mine (two books – 180,000 words). And yet it’s THE big story of our era . . . I hope you’re willing to review it.

  2. Hi Becca, just wanted to add my message of thanks for your support of indie artists, and we’ll be certain to keep checking back. We hope to submit our latest title “The Griffin Cryer” as soon as you’re accepting reviews again.


    • Thanks, Julia! I hope to open back up open of these days, but as of now I’m still pretty buried. Best of luck with your work!

  3. Damn! Was going to ask you for a review for my debut novel. Oh well, I totally understand you must be swamped with books to read! I’ll wait for you to clear the water a bit :) Thanks!

    • Yeah, indie reviewers do get “swamped” quickly, alas. The most organized and disciplined seem able to keep up with it. That’s … um … so not me! :/

      • Really? I’ve scoured the internet for months and haven’t found a reviewer yet who wasn’t swamped. Whether you ever get a chance to review or not, i hope you enjoy Gifts.

        • Yeah, there are simply not enough reviewers out there to meet the demand. Or even 5% of the demand. Sad. :(

  4. Hi Becca,

    Just sent you a “tickle”, completely understand how book reviewers get swamped, thanks for still supporting indie authors!

  5. Thanks Becca! Look forward to reading some of your books in the near future, they sound excellent.

  6. Hello Becca,
    I sent you a “tickle” to my book. I will note that it is the first in a trilogy… that will be part of a full 15 book series. Thank you for your consideration and time, and for being willing to give indie writers a chance. And I understand if you are not able to read and/or review my book. It’s just nice to be given a platform to try to share my book!

    • Hi, Rhiannon. Thanks for the notice. If I decide to review your book, a review will just show up on my blog and on the retail sites. My reviews are few and far between, these days, and I don’t agree to them ahead of time, as I’ve found I have trouble keeping those commitments. For instance, right now I’m struggling to get my second book wrapped up, so I haven’t review anyone else’s in months. Good luck with your book!

      • No problem! If you do by get to read my book, say, by the lighting of a blue moon, I hope you enjoy it. And thank you! I hope all goes well on your second book!

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