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{lyx} specifically is for questions about the LyX document-authoring application, that uses LaTeX for typesetting. Check that your problem isn't really a LaTeX problem before using this tag: export your file as LaTeX and try to compile this to find out.

0 votes

Presentation using LyX

LyX, with it's outliner and printing prowess would be a killer app' in this area. … However, I am currently forced to conclude that achieving the equiv of the 'notes view' of impress and Power Point is not readily achievable in LyX/Beamer and would be a non-trivial task to implement. …
charlie101's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Presentation using LyX

I want to create a presentation in LyX which can also be printed out as a 'manual'. I have seen reference to including the presentation file in a beamer article file. … Is there an way I can produce this with existing classes in LyX or will I have to learn Latex. …
charlie101's user avatar