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How to tell if a document is written in Word or LaTeX? [duplicate]

[Readers] can tell at a glance whether the paper was written using Word or LaTeX. -- Graham Cormode. 2009. How NOT to review a paper: the tools and techniques of the adversarial reviewer. Page 2 ...
yspreen's user avatar
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MS Word or Latex for Thesis for beginner in LaTex [closed]

I am writing my thesis in MS Word but one of my friend told me about writing thesis in LaTex instead of using MS word. But I have no idea about LaTex. I just want to know is LaTex worth for learning ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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LaTeX vs Word; improvements of LaTeX over the years

When comparing MS Word vs LaTeX the proponents of Word often say that many advantages of LaTeX over Word from say 1997 disappeared over the years as Word evolved to the current 2013 version. For ...
student's user avatar
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Is LaTeX nowadays still that superior to Word? [closed]

I've been trying to switch to LaTeX from Word (with which I have good experience) And I've been disapointed after some days of LaTeX learning and creating. I like the layout of the report class of ...
Xaltar's user avatar
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Visual comparison between LaTeX and Word output (hyphenation, typesetting, ligatures etc)

I really want to convince my friends and family that LaTeX is the choice for them when it comes to formatting and creating beautiful documents. I am aware of the major advantages that come with using ...
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