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Questions tagged [fontsize]

{fontsize} is about selecting a document's standard font size (with class options like 12pt), changing relative font sizes within a document (with macros like \small or \large), and defining or modifying {macros} related to font sizes.

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How do I make this expression in one line?

How do I make this expression in one line ? $ (\forall (a ; b ) \in \mathbb{R}^{2}) (\forall (x ; y) \in \mathbb{R}^{2}) ; (a ; b )\star(x ; y) = \left(\dfrac{ax + by}{2};\dfrac{ay + bx}{2}\right) $
mlc's user avatar
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Why can't LaTeX (seem to?) Support Arbitrary Text Sizes?

Context: I've been a casual LaTeX user for years. I've never done a deep tech dive on the platform, but it's always one of those temping "wow I could get lost for years here if I made this my ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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Font size conflict between document class and tikzpicture

Here are my files reduces for the MWE : file 1 : \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \input{Chaine_Fonctionnelle} \end{document} file 2 : \documentclass[...
LMT-PhD's user avatar
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Make every element of the List Of Figures (LOF) the same size

I am writing a report and for formatting reasons I will need to have different sizes for the captions of my figures. For example, here we can see that 2.3 is smaller than the other, I would like them ...
Sam's user avatar
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Pstricks axes label size change: why?

I "draw" two pstricks pictures, one after the other. At the beginning of each of them, I specify the font size (\small in my example). Then I draw axes, with labelFontSize=\normalsize, which ...
Garulfo's user avatar
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How can I change the size of icons in ModernCV?

Is there a way to change the size of icons (phone, mail, social etc.) in ModernCV, other than redefining each of them? If so - how? I'm using the classic theme which uses fontawesome icons, with ...
Ur Ya'ar's user avatar
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Pandoc from Markdown to PDF: Font size is affected by linestrech?

I was able to make the font size 13pt for the document class article when converting md document to PDF through pandoc by adding the following YAML metadata in front of the document: --- documentclass:...
kcho17's user avatar
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How to increase the font size for content in cells without changing the table size in latex? [duplicate]

I have a very wide table in latex (see extract below, only part of the full code). I'm happy with the aspect ratio of the table but the text in the cells is too small. How can I increase the font size ...
TFT's user avatar
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Font shape '...'in size <16> not available - changes to do in Springer Nature template

I am getting font errors especially with Springer Nature Template. The font shapes 'OT1/cmr/m/n', 'OML/cmm/m/it', 'OMS/cmsy/m/n' and 'U/rsfs/m/n' are shown not available in the template. I have used a ...
Aishwarya Rao IITGN's user avatar
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What is the correct way to give the Path of a locally given font to be used for the title of a document (xelatex)

I use the solution given in How can I change the font size of the title and the font size of the authors in Latex? to have the font size of the title as big as possible. But how to precise the Path if ...
Name's user avatar
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How could I modify document{report} fontsize? [duplicate]

I tried \documentclass[20pt]{report} however it doesn't work. I need to resize the whole document fontsize.
ShahraZad's user avatar
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How to set document font to Times new roman and font size to 13 [duplicate]

I want to know how to set font of a document to Times new roman and font size to 13. I tried using the mathptmx package but I can't set font size to 13. Is there any way to have both Times new roman ...
Hồng Thịnh Phạm's user avatar
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Environment to change the font size to a certain value

I am looking to create an environment that sets the font size to a certain value (say 12pt, with 53pt of baselineskip for this example, goal is to later be able to pass them as arguments, but for now ...
tbrugere's user avatar
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Why scrlttr2 does not exhaust bottom of page?

I have the following file test.tex: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,version=last]{scrlttr2}%,fontsize=10pt \usepackage{fontspec}% for lualatex \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage[latin]{babel} % for ...
user2609605's user avatar
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Changing font size of references in LaTex format

I have a paper written in LaTex format. I have defined \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} and \usepackage{cite} in the preamble. I have created a library.bib file and added my references in Bibtex ...
imageprocessingproblem's user avatar
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How to change sidenote's fontsize in kaobook [closed]

How could I change the \sidenote's fontsize in kaobook? Is there a parameter for it on \documentclass or something? More specifically, I want to be able to modify kaobook's \sidenote command, either ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Change the font size of siunitx output

When writing numbers with units using the siunitx package, \SI{1064}{\um}, the numbers and units are noticeably smaller than the text, however the mu seems to be the correct size. I am using Verdana ...
SockPile's user avatar
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Font shape `T1/lato-TLF/b/sc' undefined, Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted

When I am compiling an overleaf document with \documentclass[num-refs]{wiley-article}, and the packages \WarningFilter{latex}{Text page 8 contains only floats} \usepackage{anyfontsize} \usepackage{...
Thushara G.A's user avatar
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Encountering a warning while running the Overleaf document, "Package amsmath Warning: Unable to redefine math accent \vec."

Following are the packages which I have used in the document. \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{algpseudocode} \usepackage{algorithm} \...
Thushara G.A's user avatar
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xfig reduces font size when exporting

xfig (through fig2dev) reduces font size when exporting by a factor of 1.3229. I first thought this might be related to the particular point size adopted in xfig (1/80 inch in xfig/fig2dev, as opposed ...
fbaroni's user avatar
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To customize font size of subsections in table of contents?

I am trying to find a solution to use lower font size for subsections than sections. In fact, my latex code is no more. I have things as follows: \documentclass[fleqn,10pt]{SelfArx} \begin{document} \...
Murat Yazıcı's user avatar
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Changing the body text size in the MNRAS \documentclass

I'm an Astronomy undergraduate currently working on my senior project. I've used LaTeX [specifically in Overleaf] a few times previously, but I'm still very much a novice working with it. The problem ...
pjr7's user avatar
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Fixing differently sized characters with Carlito font

I am trying to write a document with LuaTex and want to use the "Carlito" font. For this, i use the fontspec package and then simply set the main font to Carlito as shown in the example ...
KurlMurx's user avatar
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Erroneous width of widetilde, scrartcl, amsmath, lmodern

Depending on the combination of packages loaded, the width of \widetilde can be erroneous. I guess this is a bug in koma, but it as also somehow affected by the package lmodern, albeit only when ...
Bastian's user avatar
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Footnotes and subfootnotes in plain TeX

I've set myself a masochistic project: I'm trying to typeset (and then translate) Martin Wolf's 1906 doctoral dissertation (Google Books, HathiTrust) in plain TeX. (I chose plain TeX because I don't ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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Set main font as "Cambria" in Overleaf

When compiliing with LuaLaTex, the font type Arial works: \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{fontspec} \setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Arial} \begin{document} \lipsum[1] \...
Ommo's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior with `\Huge' and `\tiny' command when using anyfontsize package

I am encountering unexpected behavior when using the \Huge and \tiny commands with the anyfontsize package. Below are two snippets of LaTeX code illustrating the issue. The expectation is for \Huge ...
JSLee's user avatar
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Is it possible to increment the font size? [duplicate]

Is it possible (in a class or package, say) to increase the font size based on the current font size? For example, if \normalsize is currently in effect, it would set the current font size to \large; ...
karlh's user avatar
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Arrow Label Size Issue in Tikz-CD

I am using the mathtools package in combination with the tikz-cd package to decorate an arrow label with an overbracket. However, using the \overbracket within the arrow labeling messes up the ...
mrtaurho's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a \rule to scale with different font sizes?

Is it possible to have a vertical line drawn with \rule scale appropriately when using different font sizes? For instance, can one have \Huge make the \rule bigger to the same extent that it makes a ...
asdf555's user avatar
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Problems with a huge equation in math enviromental

how are you? I need a help: I have searched in many places for, in my opinion, try to solve a problem that occurs to me in math mode in my msc thesis. I have to put these equations in same line: \...
Victor Pinto Msc Student's user avatar
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Fonspec desn't allow me to change the footnote font size

The title says it all. I'm using preamble.tex in R bookdown, and i changed the mainfont using fonspec like this: \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Calibri Light}[SizeFeatures={Size=14}] Now ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Use \large and \large environment twice simultaneously

See the text above "Notation", I want the "N" to be a little bit larger than "OTATION", the rest of the sentence but again I want the whole a little bit larger. So I ...
zero_infinity's user avatar
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How to reduce the height of the capitals in the sans math font in newtx version ≥ 1.724?

Running pdflatex on \documentclass[ngerman]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[T2A,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[slantedGreek,subscriptcorrection,helvratio=.9]{newtx}% I ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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How to set the TTF font size in LuaTeX with Pandoc?

I want to increase the font size in my PDF document, and I'm using TTF fonts in LuaTeX because I want to be able to handle foreign languages and Unicode. I generate and build the TeX with the ...
Pepijn's user avatar
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Increasing font size for section headings using titlesec in rmarkdown bookdown package

I would like to increase the font size of my chapter titles. I am producing a pdf using bookdown package in rmarkdown. I have followed this answer, but I get the result that my chpater headings are ...
Mark Davies's user avatar
12 votes
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xfrac and anyfontsize cause missing superscripts in $\frac{1}{x^2}$

Using anyfontsize and xfrac together seems to break superscripts within inline math. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{anyfontsize} \usepackage{xfrac} \begin{document} $\frac{1}{x^2}$ (good) $\...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
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Subsection fontsize

I'm doing a project divided in sections and subsections. In the first subsection, the size of the text becomes automatically smaller, but in the second one it doesn't and I don't understand why. \...
pepper's user avatar
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Smaller font size that keeps proportions [closed]

I am only using this preamble for my document: \documentclass[8pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage[margin=10mm]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{...
hugh_maths's user avatar
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How to change fontsize of subsection title in different chapters

In my project, I want to change the fontsize of subsection title in chapter 1 and chapter 2, where the subsection in Chapter 1 should be Large size, ans the subsection in Chapter 2 should be large ...
PermQi's user avatar
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how to change size of subsection and subsubsection title [duplicate]

In my project, I want to change fontsize for the subsection and subbsection (include their number) to the same size as what I write in the next line of its (I don't know how to say this in English ...
PermQi's user avatar
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Correct line spacing when changing font size without causing the end of the paragraph

Consider the following code: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum[1]% \begingroup% \tiny\color{red}% \lipsum[2]% \endgroup% \lipsum[3]% \end{...
Vincent's user avatar
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Need help to make single character with multiple accents

I need to fix the character with two accent's for (Caps,SmallCaps, Italic, Bold and various fontsize character's). But output clashing with accent characters with respect to character height. (Could ...
murugan anbu's user avatar
3 votes
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Minus sign in siunitx inverse unit does not adapt to font size

It appears to me that the minus sign in ms^{-1} from siunitx does not adapt to the font size. Here are two examples, one at 10pt and one at 12pt: I believe the first minus sign is too long. Is it too ...
Anna's user avatar
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Changing Beamer frame font size by inputting sizeXY.clo

I am trying to use the code mentioned in this answer to change the size of all fonts for some Beamer frame. In particular, I \input the size12.clo file in the middle of my document. It seems to work ...
Daniel Langr's user avatar
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sysbio class conflicts with font size macros in tikz pictures

The sysbio official class file has caused many problems. I find it conflict with font size macros in tikz pictures, e.g. the following MWE produces an error: \documentclass{sysbio} \usepackage{tikz} \...
Tianjian Qin's user avatar
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mathpalette-version for fontstyle instead of fontsize

The link the-mysteries-of-mathpalette gives a nice overview of the mathpalette command. My question is pseudo-related. Is there a version of mathpalette where instead of "preserving the font size&...
Alberto Takase's user avatar
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Set subscript and superscript font size to 10pt?

I am using \documentclass[12pt]{report} And my subscripts/superscripts come out closer to 8pt font (measured by Adobe Acrobat). How can I globally set these sub/superscript fonts to 10pt?
Alex Shroyer's user avatar
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Change font size of page numbers

What is the simplest way to choose a precise font size for page numbers? For some reason the page numbers are 10 points but the rest is 11 points. This is my preamble: \pdfminorversion=7 % For the ...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
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xelatex - how to change font size (resize)

I am creating equation through code (C#) to png file. How I can change a size of equation? Because sometimes my equation is long and the image contains small characters and for short equations the ...
damian17's user avatar

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