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Compilation time >15s for a one-line document on VSCode and TexLive

I always used overleaf but I now need to work offline, so I installed the VSCode extension Latex Workhop and TexLive on my Windows 11 machine. Everything works nice except for the compiling time: ...
Elena's user avatar
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Regarding compilation error "Did not find entry for byfmt=pdflatex"

I am compiling a document using texlive. When compiling, I receive the following error notification: Process started: pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "id_infinite".tex ...
android16.5's user avatar
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Error compiling file

Sorry if this is something obvious, as I'm just getting into LaTeX. I installed TeX Live 2024 recently, and I'm using the VSC LaTeX Workshop extension. When I attempted to compile, it returned the ...
Arden's user avatar
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Need help in LaTeX compilation

I have a big issue with project compilation. Instead of "concentrating on getting the right content", I've spend several days on getting the project compiled. My project deadline is near, ...
ab3001's user avatar
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Using TeX Live version 2022 gives compilation error (but no issue with any previous version) [duplicate]

I am using Overleaf, and in recycling a previous preamble I encountered the compilation error "Argument of � has an extra }." which is no issue when I use 2021 and back Tex Live. Here is a ...
AlvaroGallegos's user avatar
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Want to build tex file but Recipe terminated with error

error message : The command name is D:\texlive\2021\bin\win32\mktexfmt Latexmk: fls file doesn't appear to have been made. Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages): pdflatex: Command ...
yeonsook kwak's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX 64 bit does not finish compilation

Setup: Windows 11, all updates, texlive 2021, all updates, win64 from CTAN. The files that were previously compiling flawlessly with LuaLaTeX stopped compiling now (I cannot check when exactly, as I ...
Alexander Z.'s user avatar
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Are pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX getting (much) slower in macOS?

SOLVED: see bottom of message! I sensed pdfLaTeX was slower in TeX-Live 2020 and decided to run some benchmarking… Computer: MacBook Pro (2018) with SSD Document: The "novathesis" thesis ...
João Lourenço's user avatar
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compiles on overleaf but not local

I have successfully compiled my document on Overleaf, but I cannot get it to compile on my local Windows machine. I have installed TeXLive, and tried 1) TexStudio 2) TexWorks and 3) the powershell. ...
pwprnt's user avatar
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My files (.tex and .bib) won't compile with the on VS Code

After updating Tex live, my Tex files won't compile with the bibliographies in VS Code. Without the bibliography, it does compile. I checked that my .tex & .bib file compiles well together in ...
Focus's user avatar
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Compile a project in TeXLive Distribution

I am working with Overleaf. However, due to the high number of figures (and their size) I am not able to compile the project online. I downloaded the code source and Installed TeXLive Distribution. ...
Aurea 1994's user avatar
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TeX, LaTeX and friends files optimization or how do you deal with heavy LaTeX files?

I am typesetting a general report on my research for my group. I have typeset it using LaTeX, generated all the pictures, figures, tables, drawings, etc using LaTeX packages. However, when I run it ...
enthu's user avatar
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Increasing memory

I am working on a document which produces ~4000 pages, each with at least 30 graphics per page. There is a lot of font switching and colouring different characters different colours. I am able to ...
keymasta's user avatar
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pdflatex generating numbered PDF files [closed]

My usual workflow when editing a TeX file is to call a Makefile from the terminal, usually with the output PDF file open that, after the make call, gets updated with the latest changes. In this ...
freieschaf's user avatar
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texlive langczechslovak collection compilation error

I am trying to get this compiled. As I can see the upstream SVN repo this collections depends on the csplain package I am getting the error: Loading UK English hyphenation patterns in ASCII encoding, ...
tex-fun's user avatar

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