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Understanding TeX terminology

I'm new to TeX and want to make sure I understand some of the terminology. If I understand correctly, you have a .tex file, which is just plain text, like .txt. The extension .tex signifies that the ...
cloud's user avatar
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How to check what I'm using in my environment

I use VS code with the Latex workshop on Mac and it works perfectly fine when writing a paper. But I don't understand "pdflatex", "mactex", "texlive" or something other ...
SpaceTAKA's user avatar
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Making a desktop LaTeX editor ground up

Have been considering trying to make a desktop LaTeX editor (similar to Lyx or texmaker) for personal use as a long-term side project, also hoping to pick up some things along the way. I'm largely ...
Infinitus's user avatar
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Instant Compiler for .tex [duplicate]

I am using Overleaf to compile .tex files but sometimes it take too much time. Is there a software that can compile .tex files instantly??
Felipe Fonseca's user avatar
26 votes
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Alternatives to Overleaf (i.e. instant TeX compiling without sign in)

The best thing about Overleaf V1 was that I could log into it without an account. This made it possible to share things with people who most likely wouldn't be big TEX users and to whom the idea of ...
joojaa's user avatar
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33 votes
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VS Code - LaTeX Workshop - custom recipes file location

I want to use the VS Code extension LaTeX Workshop and I want to set up my own recipe for compiling the documents. The FAQ's are good but missing the part where they tell where the recipes are stored ...
FuzzyTemper's user avatar
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Are there any LaTeX IDEs which provide useful error messages?

I was using TeXworks as my source code editor and I got my actual LaTeX compiler and packages through MikTeX. I executed the following code block: \begin {enumerate} % WEAK \item $G$ is a function ...
IdleCustard's user avatar
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8 votes
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LuaLaTeX not recognised as a VS Code tool

I've been trying to adopt VS Code as my LaTeX editior of choice, since it has all of the features Atom has but more, once the extension LaTeX Workshop has been installed. My only gripe with it is that ...
sesodesa's user avatar
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Using LaTeX while actively solving math problems?

The goal is to get those formulas on the page as quickly as you are thinking of them. So that you can actually solve math problems, or experiment with the mathematics itself. Question: What tools/...
user127715's user avatar
23 votes
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Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

A friend of mine asked me whether TeXShop is able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file or not. More generally, one could ask which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file? ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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How to setup latex extension on Adobe Brackets?

I use Adobe Brackets for most of my coding. Recently, I decided to do my latex coding on Brackets as well. Luckily, someone has come up with a solution. The extension for Brackets is very easy to ...
A. Hada's user avatar
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General processing instructions for TeX editors? [duplicate]

Using TeXworks, I can put the following code at the very top of a TeX document: % !TeX program = LuaLaTeX % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 When TeXworks sees that, it will automatically use LuaLaTeX as ...
user avatar
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Help with setting Winedt 9.1 version

I would like some help in Winedt setup. I use the Winedt 9.1 version and in the others programs like that (Tex center, tex studio), when I compile some file, the program open the pdf file in the page ...
Irddo's user avatar
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Figure correctly compiled but TikzEdt gives an error

I'm using TikzEdt (version I find it convenient since it produces .tikz files directly includable in the main document by an \input command. Everything works fine but, when I compile the ...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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How to set the interactive editor in TeXLive? lualatex bug?

After some research we determined this is a problem inherent to lualatex. If you have a solution for this problem in LuaLaTeX please post it below and I will accept you answer. When compiling a ...
alfC's user avatar
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