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Questions tagged [brackets]

{brackets} is about different brackets, their usage and functionality in (La)TeX.

0 votes
2 answers

How can I get items in my bibliography listed with square brackets?

I would like to use square brackets for citations in the text and in the bibliography. I figured out how to adapt the citations in the text, but I just don't find any way how to change the appearance ...
Felix's user avatar
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typing a straightline next to a dfrac? [duplicate]

I would like to type how do I do it? Thanks!
Lost1's user avatar
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2 answers

Brackets in citing-style? [duplicate]

I have the following LaTeX code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, bibliography=totoc, index=totoc, abstracton, ...
Jen Bohold's user avatar
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lazy latex: how use '^' and '_' without mapping argument in parenthesis

For e.g. take $G^\times$ here we do not need to write the curly parenthesis, as in $G^{\times}$ What is it that one has to add to a newly declared command, e.g. \newcommand{\foo}{\ensuremath \...
arolle's user avatar
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LaTeX Scale Adjacent Terms' Grouping Symbols Together

I have two adjacent terms in a LaTeX equation, and I'd like the brackets around both to scale to the height of both terms. For example \left[ a \right] \left[ \frac{b}{c} \right] generates: I'd like ...
geometrian's user avatar
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Tikz Braces On Top of Image [duplicate]

I am trying to produce the following result: I've never placed tikz objects on images. Any help would be appreciated.
Trancot's user avatar
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Replacing brackets with parentheses for \textcite, Biblatex numeric-comp [duplicate]

I'm trying to modify the numeric-comp style so in-text citations appear with parentheses rather than brackets for both \cite and \textcite i.e. [1] becomes (1) and Smith et al. [1] becomes Smith et al....
twoseventwo's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is "! paragraph ended before \align was complete"?

The following is the piece of code that was working right before I made a few small minor changes. \begin{align} \langle \prod_{i=1}^{n} \delta_i ^{n_i} y^{m_i}_i \rangle = \sum _ {a_{i=1...n} = 0}...
user6818's user avatar
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4 votes
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Error typesetting large bracket with multiple lines

I was following a Wikibooks section to create multiple lines within a single large bracket. Something like this. The problem is that when I type in the given code, which is \[ u(x) = \begin{cases}...
ankush981's user avatar
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When to use `\left(` and when plain `(`? [duplicate]

This is basically a follow-up to the comments on this answer which I couldn't find to be settled anywhere. I learned that you can write ordinary bracket simply using f(x) but that you can also use ...
Bernd's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Angle brackets with an underset arrow

I am trying to make a pair of angle brackets of variable height enclosing a main box along with a box beneath each bracket and an arrow of variable length between these lower boxes. Since I'm sure ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Changing biblatex footcite style to use square brackets around the citation

I am supposed to use a certain citation style which has the citations in footnotes and square brackets around the references, just like "regular" citations in text (see screenshot). I can't however, ...
Frederick Nord's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I obtain brackets with proper size on multiple lines using the {multline} environment?

My code is of the form \begin{multline} \left[ \frac{foo}{bar} \\ foo \right] \end{multline} This code gives an error for missing \right. etc. To remedy this, I used this code \begin{multline} \...
smog's user avatar
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How can I add square brackets for the authoryear biblatex bibliography style?

Due to some university requirements, I redefined the biblatex citesytle authoryear to use square brackets instead of round parentheses. Now I am trying to achieve the same for the bibstyle. My ...
Ingo's user avatar
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How to get the square brackets that are involved in integration working

The clearest way to clearly show what I want is using an example: I am looking for the Latex syntax that gives me the stuff on the right-hand side of the equation.
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