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3 votes
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Latex 12pt is different from actual font size 12 on Microsoft Word [duplicate]

I have an assignment which I have written in Latex and I realized the prof has restrictions on Font Size and Font Name. The specification indicates that the document must be presented using "Times New ...
Kyle's user avatar
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LaTeX font-size vs. word font-size [duplicate]

I need to write an assignment, and my professor told me that I had to use MS Word with the "font-size 12". I assume, he means this number: He is not a technical person, so he doesn't really know ...
Perik Onti's user avatar
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Is font size in latex comparable to font size in word? [duplicate]

I need to hand in my master thesis soon and the guidelines state that it's highly recommended to take font size 12. However, when I use \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,fleqn]{article} \usepackage{times} ...
patrick Balada's user avatar
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Is font size 12 in MS Word same as [12pt]? [duplicate]

Is a Times New Roman font of 12 size in MS Word, same as doing a \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}? Edit: To be clear, the question is if Word with a 12 font and \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{...
ZeroTwo's user avatar
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Increasing font size proportionately [duplicate]

Configuration: report document class, Times New Roman text @12pt with footnote number and text @10pt. Problem: My institution requires a Times New Roman size 12pt based on Word's, but Times New ...
Nhaps's user avatar
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52 votes
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Change section fonts

I am trying to emulate MS Word 2010 functionality with LaTeX since I am fed up with word. I am using TexShop, and I have been able to set the main font to Calibri through the use of XeTeX. How do I ...
rustybeanstalk's user avatar
29 votes
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Making a LaTeX document appear as though it were typeset in MS Word

I am typesetting a document in LaTeX for which I have been given exact specifications that are intended for an MS Word-processed document (single-sided, single-spaced, 0.75 inch margins, no more than ...
user001's user avatar
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21 votes
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What is the default \parskip in memoir?

Everywhere the usual word is that it is 0. But that is clearly wrong, it is 0 + some rubber length. But how is that rubber length defined? In my search I found the following definition in the memoir ...
jonalv's user avatar
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LaTeX optimal settings for MS Word-like document

When you create a new document in Microsoft Word, you get a standard blank document with the right margins. Moreover when that document is exported to PDF, you are satisfied with the layout. Over and ...
yolo's user avatar
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14 votes
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Make a LaTeX document look like it was written in Microsoft Word [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Making a LaTeX document appear as though it were typeset in MS Word I know this is a travesty in the world of TeX, and an affront to all decent TeX-believing people out there.....
jamaicanworm's user avatar
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17 votes
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Globally redefining 1 pt to 1/72 in (PostScript point) and other similar changes

Introduction TeX point (1 pt in TeX) equals 1/72.27 in (= 2540/7227 mm ≈ 0.35145980351 mm). Quoting part of Traditional American point system section from Wikipedia's Point (typography) entry: In ...
przemoc's user avatar
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8 votes
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Package color Error: Argument `1.01125' not in range [0,1]

I have been writing a paper and used tikz for some of my figures. Then when we decided to submit to a particular conference, and used the style file they provided, the figure broke (failed to compile)....
Mohammad Alaggan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get MS Word style single line spacing in LaTeX?

I am working with a limited amount of pages and have to write in Arial 11pt with single line spacing. Now, I noticed that the single line spacing in MS Word (which is probably what the authors of the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Latex commands for a specific page format [closed]

I am writing a report for which my University has given the following guidelines (Clearly, it was intended for use with Microsoft Windows). Project reports should be typed only on one side of the ...
Dilip's user avatar
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Word template to latex

I need to write an article, the template is provided in MS Word, however the file they accept could be either PDF or MSWord. Then I prefer to write it in latex. From this question it seems there is ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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