I want to make a dictionary which is based on an old print version from the 18th century.

The style is to have a two column layout and on top of each page

  • on the left side the page number plus the guide word from the first entry of this page
  • on the right side the page number increased by one plus the guide word from the last entry of this page

So the page number increases by 2 for each page.

I found something in the web for the package fancyhdr, but I'm using KOMA script and do not want to change my complete code.

Here is a small working excample:



\usepackage[german]{babel} % Old rules

\setmainfont[Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle},Ligatures={Common,Rare,Historic}]{Libertinus Serif}




% Double page numbering based on: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18156/figures-on-left-pages-text-on-right-ones-with-class-book-numbering-only-on-rig
\renewcommand\thepage{\number\numexpr ((2*\the\value{page})-1)\relax} % Die Seitennummer wird immer um 2 erhöht
\newcommand{\theEvenPage}{\number\numexpr (\thepage+1)\relax} % Die gerade Seitenzahl rechts

% Dictionary entry. Based on: https://de.overleaf.com/latex/examples/dictionary-template/pdztbwjxrpmz
    \lehead{\pagemark\ {#2}}%
    \lohead{\pagemark\ {#2}}%
    \rehead{\theEvenPage\ {#2}}%
    \rohead{\theEvenPage\ {#2}}%
    \textbf{#1}\ {#3}}


















The guide-words are showing the first entry from the next page and not the once I need.

Does anybody has an idea how this can be resolved?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Because of the asynchronous output, you should always use the mark-mechanism to put content depending text in the page header or footer:



\usepackage[german]{babel} % Old rules

\setmainfont[Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle},Ligatures={Common,Rare,Historic}]{Libertinus Serif}




% Double page numbering based on: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18156/figures-on-left-pages-text-on-right-ones-with-class-book-numbering-only-on-rig
\renewcommand\thepage{\number\numexpr ((2*\the\value{page})-1)\relax} % Die Seitennummer wird immer um 2 erhöht
\newcommand{\theEvenPage}{\number\numexpr (\thepage+1)\relax} % Die gerade Seitenzahl rechts
\newcommand*{\EvenPageMark}{{\usekomafont{pagenumber}{\theEvenPage}}}% analogous to the definition of \pagemark

\lehead{\pagemark\ \rightmark}
\rehead{\leftmark\ \EvenPageMark}
\lohead{\pagemark\ \rightmark}
\rohead{\leftmark\ \EvenPageMark}

% Dictionary entry. Based on: https://de.overleaf.com/latex/examples/dictionary-template/pdztbwjxrpmz
  \par% added, because each entry should start a new paragraph
  \markdouble{#2}% added for the mark → KOMA-Script manual
  \textbf{#1}\ {#3}}


















two pages of the example

See the KOMA-Script manual for more information on using \leftmark, \rightmark, \markdouble etc.

BTW: There would even be an alternative using \automark and a standard sectioning command:



\usepackage[german]{babel} % Old rules

\setmainfont[Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle},Ligatures={Common,Rare,Historic}]{Libertinus Serif}




% Double page numbering based on: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18156/figures-on-left-pages-text-on-right-ones-with-class-book-numbering-only-on-rig
\renewcommand\thepage{\number\numexpr ((2*\the\value{page})-1)\relax} % Die Seitennummer wird immer um 2 erhöht
\newcommand{\theEvenPage}{\number\numexpr (\thepage+1)\relax} % Die gerade Seitenzahl rechts
\newcommand*{\EvenPageMark}{{\usekomafont{pagenumber}{\theEvenPage}}}% analogous to the definition of \pagemark

\lehead{\pagemark\ \rightmark}
\rehead{\leftmark\ \EvenPageMark}
\lohead{\pagemark\ \rightmark}
\rohead{\leftmark\ \EvenPageMark}

% Dictionary entry. Based on: https://de.overleaf.com/latex/examples/dictionary-template/pdztbwjxrpmz

















  • Wow, this is a great answer and solution. Thank you very much
    – Dieter
    Commented Jun 6 at 10:57

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