I am preparing some slides for numerical method classes. I have difficulty identify the best package to draw plot like below enter image description here

I know there is software like Geogebra, but I prefer to do within latex. Any suggestions for a quick and convenient package?


2 Answers 2


Check the following code:




% Axes
\draw[-latex,name path=xaxis] (-1,0) -- (12,0) node[above]{\large $x$};
\draw[-latex] (0,-2) -- (0,8)node[right]{\large $y$};;

% Function plot
\draw[ultra thick, orange,name path=function]  plot[smooth,domain=1:9.5] (\x, {0.1*\x^2-1.5}) node[left]{$F(x)$};

% plot tangent line
\node[violet,right=0.2cm] at (8,4.9) {\large tangent};

\draw[gray,thin,dotted] (8,0) -- (8,4.9) node[circle,fill,inner sep=2pt]{};
\draw[dashed, violet,name path=Tfunction]  plot[smooth,domain=4.25:9.5] (\x, {1.6*\x-7.9});

% x-axis labels
\draw (8,0.1) -- (8,-0.1) node[below] {$x^{(k)}$};
\draw [name intersections={of=Tfunction and xaxis}] ($(intersection-1)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++(0,-0.2) node[below,fill=white] {$x^{(k+1)}$} ;




enter image description here

I used the library intersections to get the coordinates of the intersection between the tangent and the x-axis lines. To this end, I saved both paths using name path=xaxis and name path=Tfunction for x-axis line and tangent line, respectively.

The function corresponds to 0.1*x^2-1.5.


With pgfplots and pgfplotstable:

enter image description here

\documentclass[margin=5pt, varwidth]{standalone}

% Input 1/2 =====

\tikzset{trig format=rad, 
declare function={
% Input 2/2 =====
f(\x)=exp(0.9*\x) -\x*\x;  
% Calc ====
df(\x)=( f(\x+dx) -f(\x) )/dx;

% Start row
\pgfplotstableread[header=false, col sep=comma,
0, \xStart, \fxnStart, \dfxnStart,  \xNewStart

% Further rows
\pgfplotsforeachungrouped \n in {1,...,\Steps} {%%
\ifnum\n=1 \pgfplotstablegetelem{0}{[index]4}\of\newtontable \else
\pgfplotstablegetelem{0}{[index]4}\of\nextrow \fi
col sep=comma,      row sep=crcr, 
\n,   \xOld,   \fxn, \dfxn, \xNew \noexpand\\
% Concatenate in loop
%\n \pgfplotstabletypeset{\temprow} \\ % Show for test
% Concatenate with startrow

% Output =============================

\savebox\ExampleText{% ======================
% Title =======
$f(x) = \fxshow   \\[1em]
f'(x)\approx \dfrac{f(x+\Delta x)-f(x)}{\Delta x},~~\Delta x=\dx \\[0.5em]
t_n(x) = f'(x_n)\cdot (x-x_n)+f(x_n) \\[0.5em]
x_0=\xStart,~~    x_{n+1}=x_n-\dfrac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)}    $  \\[0.5em]
%Table =======
\pgfplotstabletypeset[column type=r, 
% Show integers as intgers and general number format:
every column/.style={postproc cell content/.style={
@cell content=\pgfmathifisint{##1}
        {\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,  fixed zerofill,  precision=5]{##1}}  
display columns/0/.style={column name=$n$},
display columns/1/.style={column name=$x_n$},
display columns/2/.style={column name=$f(x_n)$},
display columns/3/.style={column name=$f'(x_n)$},
display columns/4/.style={column name=$x_{n+1}$},
every head row/.style={after row=\hline, before row=\hline},
every last row/.style={after row=\hline},
]{\newtontable} \\[0.5em]
{$\Rightarrow~ \boldsymbol{ x  \approx\xNew}$  }
%\usebox{\ExampleText} % Show for test

% Curve =============================
\begin{axis}[local bounding box=Curve,
title style={align=left, anchor=south west, 
draw=none, text width=\mywidth, 
at={(rel axis cs:0,1)},   name=Example, 
trig format=rad, 
axis lines = center,
axis line style = {-latex},
xlabel style={anchor=north},
ylabel style={anchor=east},
xmin=-3,      xmax=3,
%ymin=-0.5,     ymax=3.7,
%minor ytick={-0.5,0,...,3.5},
%legend pos=outer north east,
legend style={at={(0.0,-0.05)},anchor=north west},
legend cell align=left,
enlarge y limits=upper,
enlarge x limits,
% Curve
\addplot[thick, domain=-1.5:3, blue]{f(x)}; 
% Tangents
\foreach \row in {0,...,\Steps}{%%
\pgfmathsetmacro\xSshow{\xS<0 ? \xS : "+\xS"}
\pgfmathsetmacro\ySshow{\yS<0 ? \yS : "+\yS"}
\pgfmathsetmacro\Pos{\row==3 || \row==999 ? -0.05 : 1.05}

\noexpand\addplot[red, domain=\xS-\vL:\xS+\vR, forget plot]{\dyS*(x-\xS)+\yS} node[pos=\Pos]{$t_\Index$}; 
\noexpand\addplot[red, mark=*, mark size=1.5pt, mark options={fill=white, draw=black}] coordinates{(\xS,\yS) };
\noexpand\addlegendentry[]{$t_\Index(x)=\dyS\cdot (x \xSshow) \ySshow$}
\noexpand\addplot[densely dashed, forget plot] coordinates{(\xS,\yS) (\xS,0)} node[below]{$x_\Index$};

% Zero of Curve
\addplot[mark=*, mark size=1.75pt, forget plot] coordinates{(\xRes,\yRes)};
  • If this answer was your master thesis, it wouldn't be more scientific and prolific :)
    – Diaa
    Commented Oct 22, 2020 at 15:44

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