Expected output (2nd line has 5mm more indent than 1st, 3rd and following lines have 5mm more indent than 2nd):

  \parshape=3 5mm 40mm 10mm 35mm 15mm 30mm
  This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. This is sentence 3. This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5.

Bad output (tikz):

    \path node[draw,text width=50mm]
      { \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
        \parshape=3 5mm 40mm 10mm 35mm 15mm 30mm
        This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. This is sentence 3. This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5.

2 Answers 2


Just introduce \par command will solve the issue:

    \path node[draw,text width=50mm]
      { \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
        \parshape=3 5mm 40mm 10mm 35mm 15mm 30mm
        This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. This is sentence 3.
        This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5.\par
  • 3
    I think you need a trailing % following \setlength{}{}. Commented May 21, 2019 at 6:53
  • @PeterGrill I have followed the tag what the user provided as MWE...anyhow, thanks...
    – MadyYuvi
    Commented May 21, 2019 at 6:55

Put the text in a \parbox:

enter image description here

Also it appears that you can use the font= to set the \parshape and then it just works (although I am not sure that this is a good idea).


    \path node[draw,text width=50mm]
                \parshape=3 5mm 40mm 10mm 35mm 15mm 30mm
                This is sentence 1. 
                This is sentence 2. 
                This is sentence 3. 
                This is sentence 4. 
                This is sentence 5.%


    \path node[draw,text width=50mm, font={\parshape=3 5mm 40mm 10mm 35mm 15mm 30mm}]
            This is sentence 1. 
            This is sentence 2. 
            This is sentence 3. 
            This is sentence 4. 
            This is sentence 5.%

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