using texcount in the command line interface produces the error 'could not recognise package list'. I'm using

texcount -1 -sum -inc mymainfile.tex

which includes several files in a two different subdirectories with the command \include{mysubdirectory/myfile}. This all compiles with no errors in LaTeX.

Edit: It seems that hyperref and geometry with \usepackage are causing the errors.

Edit: Deleted "The only related information I've found online is that texcount used to have a problem with packages with hyphens in their names (probably fixed since 2013), but I can't see a way around this to check."

  • 1
    The error should be produced by \usepackage or a similar macro which TeXcount fails to parse. If you add the option -v for verbose output, it should be more clear which macro produces the error. Commented Jul 27, 2015 at 21:42
  • @EinarRødland Thanks, but it just gives the same message, twice "ERROR: Could not recognise package list", ignoring it instead" whether I use -v -v1 -v2 etc
    – Laua
    Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 12:51
  • By looking at the verbose output, you should be able to identify which macro call (\usepackage or \RequirePackage) causes the error. Without knowing that, it's hard to tell exactly what the cause is and what can be done to either fix or bypass it. Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 16:12
  • @EinarRødland I understood that, but I hadn't understood not to use the other options with it, sorry. Now I can see that usepackage with geometry and hyperref are the packages causing the errors! Any ideas as to why?
    – Laua
    Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 17:37
  • 1
    I suggest that you write down your own answer in case others come across the same problem. In some cases, running TeXcount with the -relaxed option may help, but TeXcount may be restrictive in allowing options covering multiple lines. Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 22:46

1 Answer 1


Apparently TeXcount had a problem with the options for these packages being on different lines in the .tex file. The problem was this:


and the solution was this:


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