I'm just working on a tikzpicture which represents a letter on which you look in a perspective. I just managed to realize this with the shadow and the perspective under Usage of xslant and rotation and shadows.

The goal is to use this letter as a template for many letters. So I just thought about placing writing either with nodes in tikz (possiblity 1) or with textblocks (possibility 2) as you can see in the code. If that works I want to define a command, for example \address which includes everything from the code of the adress so that I only have to change the Names and streets an so on.

All that is quite fine, but now I've got a problem:

The rotated writing in tikz is not really good, because it didn't rotate the line of the font but just the letters. And that's not really pretty :) Maybe there's another way to do this? I hope you can help me a little. Mayber you've got another idea for the problem? Thank you.

(The possiblity 2 in this way is not very useful, because it won't rotate the block, just the letters...)

Here's a working example:


\usepackage{pgf, tikz, pgfplots}


\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-3,xslant=0.1,scale=0.7,every node/.style={xslant=0.1,transform shape,rotate=1}]
\fill [color=black!20!white,opacity=0.5] (0.15,-2.15) -- (13.15,-2.15) -- (15.15,-20.15) -- (0.15,-20.15) -- cycle;
\draw [color=black!30, fill=white] (0,-2) -- (13,-2) -- (15,-20) -- (7.3,-20) arc (270:220:9.9cm and 3.5cm) arc (-20:0:4cm and 15cm) -- cycle;
%possibility 1:
\node at (1.5,-5.2) [right] {\scriptsize{XXX YYY}};
\node at (1.5,-5.6) [right] {\scriptsize{ZZZ Street}};
\node at (1.5,-6) [right] {\scriptsize{012345 AAAAA}};
%possibility 2:
\parbox[t]{10cm}{Lorem Ipsum\\ Blab\\Bla\\bla\\D\\D\\D\\D\\D}

2 Answers 2


This is loosely based on my answer at Plot 3D stacked squares with shadow, which employs Bruno's method at Shear transform a "box"

        \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}%
\def\mycell#1#2{\fcolorbox{black!50}{#1}{#2 }}
\def\myrotate{-5} \def\myslant{.3} 
\perspective{XXX YYY\\ZZZ Street\\012345 AAAAA}{gray!30}

This is back to normal text.

enter image description here

Changing the values, \def\myrotate{-10} \def\myslant{.7}, for example, changes the perspective:

enter image description here

Here is the method adapted into the user's MWE:

enter image description here

and here it is with the coloring removed


\usepackage{pgf, tikz, pgfplots}

        \pdfsetmatrix{1 0 #1 1}%
\def\mycell#1#2#3{\fcolorbox{#3}{#1}{#2 }}
\def\myrotate{1} \def\myslant{.1} 

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=-3,xslant=0.1,scale=0.7,every node/.style={xslant=0.1,transform shape,rotate=1}]
\fill [color=black!20!white,opacity=0.5] (0.15,-2.15) -- (13.15,-2.15) -- (15.15,-20.15) -- (0.15,-20.15) -- cycle;
\draw [color=black!30, fill=white] (0,-2) -- (13,-2) -- (15,-20) -- (7.3,-20) arc (270:220:9.9cm and 3.5cm) arc (-20:0:4cm and 15cm) -- cycle;
%possibility 1:
\node at (1.5,-5.2) [right] {\scriptsize{XXX YYY}};
\node at (1.5,-5.6) [right] {\scriptsize{ZZZ Street}};
\node at (1.5,-6) [right] {\scriptsize{012345 AAAAA}};
%possibility 2:
\perspective[white]{Lorem Ipsum\\ Blab\\Bla\\bla\\D\\D\\D\\D\\D}{white}

enter image description here

A parbox input could be implemented by defining


However, in either case {\Longstack or \parbox), this answer is not "true" perspective with a vanishing point, but rather an isometric rendition. Thus, while the text may be slanted, it will not get wider towards the bottom of the page.

  • Oh, wow, that's actually very good! Thank you so much! I just printed it and it looks a lot better than my former try. Now I just have to understand the code! ;) Thank you!
    – buecki
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 16:28

Obviously only a partial answer, but you can align node labels sloped to a baseline. Maybe you can somehow use the text as a node label for a line that is sloped correctly as your text.



    \fill (0,0) circle (0.1);
    \fill (3,-1) circle (0.1);
    \draw (0,0) -- (3,-1) node [midway, above, sloped] {Sloped text};


In your (nice looking) example you could use something like this below. Obviously with white instead of red as line color and better fitting coordinates.

\draw [red] (1.6,-5.2) -- (4.05,-4) node [black, midway, sloped] {\scriptsize{XXX YYY}} ;
\draw [red] (1.6,-5.6) -- (4,-5.5) node [black, midway, sloped] {\scriptsize{ZZZ Street}};
\draw [red] (1.6,-6)  -- (3.95,-7.05) node [black, midway, sloped] {\scriptsize{012345 AAAAA}};
  • Thank you for your answer. It really looks a bit smoother. But just try to add a longer text to this (for the actual text of the letter), for example this: \draw [color=black,draw=white] (1.5,-4.6) -- (10,-4.9) node [midway,below,sloped,text width=8cm] {\scriptsize{Lorem Ipsum ...}}; It won't work because of the rotation of the whole document. Is there another way, then create a new \draw for every line?
    – buecki
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 11:01
  • As I said, this is only a partial answer. I hope that the TikZ-Gurus will add their input.
    – Habi
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 11:04
  • 1
    Please note that \scriptsize (like all other font size macros) doesn’t have an argument! It is a switch that changes the font size until the net switch appears or the current group ends. Since the node text is kind of a group you can omit the braces here …] {\scriptsize XXX}; or even better use the font option … font=\scriptsize] {XXX};. The latter makes it possible to make the size part of a style defined with my style/.style={…}. See tex.stackexchange.com/q/7312/4918 for further info about font sizes.
    – Tobi
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 11:55
  • ah, thank you, good to know. I once saw it like this, and just used it.
    – buecki
    Commented Feb 17, 2015 at 12:12

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