The following code with the comma in the legend entry fails to compile.



  legend entries =  {$a, b$} , %<- error!
  title = {$a, b$},
  xlabel = {$a, b$}

  \addplot {x};



I have added additional curly brackets around the expression as needed by tikz (e.g. here Comma in the formula in tikz).

Weird enough, the error only seems to appear, when using a comma in the legend, as labels and titles work fine.

Is this a bug in the parser or am I missing something?

2 Answers 2


Seems that the key handler isn't too careful with dropping outer brace groups, this makes it work:

legend entries =  {}{$a, b$} , %<- error!
  • Awesome! How did you solve this so quickly? One minor addition, to have multiple legend entries we now have to write legend entries = {{} {$a, b$},{} {$c, d$}}.
    – Jost
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 18:28
  • 2
    @Jost I've used TeX before:-) Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 18:31

A different solution is to delimit the list by \\. To quote the PGFPlots manual v1.9 4.9.4 "Legends":

It is also possible to delimit the list by \\. In this case, the last element must be terminated by \\ as well.




  legend entries =  {$a, b$\\$c, d$\\},
  title = {$a, b$},
  xlabel = {$a, b$}

  \addplot {x};
  \addplot {x - 1};


enter image description here

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